Rep. Pramila JayapalVerified account


Congresswoman & lifelong organizer. Proudly serving WA-07. Co-Chair of , Senior Whip, Budget Vice Ranking.

Seattle, WA
Joined January 2017


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    And herein lies the has never been about border security or even the damn wall. It's all about the anti-immigrant message to rile up a xenophobic base. so let's say it again:

  2. “It’s a Wonderful Life”...if the GOP and Trump weren't holding the government hostage and had passed a funding bill.

  3. No border wall. Or detention beds. Or any of the other items on Trump’s hateful checklist. Period.

  4. Undo
  5. Helping brilliant young minds grow into the leaders of the future will always bring a smile to my face. I am so inspired by the wonderful people who will one day change the world.

  6. Bonita Williams is one of 800,000 workers hurt by . For her, not getting a paycheck means not being able to pay rent or other expenses, much less buy grandbabies presents. Your vanity wall is causing real harm, ⁦⁩.

  7. Tonight--as we have done every holiday season for almost 20 years--our family cooked & served a meal to a couple hundred men at a shelter in Seattle. Phillip really wanted a photo! May everyone have a warm, safe and peaceful holiday season!

  8. Progress demands that we talk to and deliver for all people—urban and rural, white, black and brown, gay and straight, old and young, men and women. 👷🏽‍♀️👨🏾‍⚕️👩🏼‍🌾👨🏿‍🍳👩🏾‍🎓👨🏽‍⚖️

  9. (2/2): ✅ Ryan won't put bipartisan bill on House floor (it would've passed); instead passes partisan bill w/$5.7 bb in wall funding even tho it's DOA in Sen ✅ Sen can't even get 50 votes on that ✅ Trump "PROUDLY" shuts down govt, leaves 800K workers w/o paycheck

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  10. Chronology of (1/2): ✅ Trump says he'll sign CR to fund Govt thru Feb. 8 w/$1.3 billion in border security funding but no wall ✅ Dems agree & Senate passes that exact bipartisan CR ✅ Fox & Friends carp at Trump who can't take heat, throws tantrum,insists on wall

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  11. Thoughts & prayers to all those affected by the devastating tsunami in Indonesia, where I spent 12 years of my early life. 222 people dead, more than 800 injured. My heart goes out to the region.

  12. Reports that Trump was "exuberant" in WH meeting yesterday (confirmed by those who were there) is absolutely outrageous when 800,000 federal workers are without paychecks. over his vanity wall.

  13. One of my proudest accomplishments this year was launching the Caucus. We’re now up to 80 members! Health care is a fundamental human right and I will keep fighting until EVERY American can afford to be healthy.

  14. Joined to say that the only crisis at the border is the humanitarian one manufactured by . We DO NOT need a wall. Trump is selling these lies to the American people and 800,000 unpaid federal workers are suffering for it during Christmastime.

  15. Joined to discuss the . The GOP control the House, the Senate and the White House. Where is ? Where is his moral backbone? Republicans are negotiating against themselves right now. They should have been able to prevent this.

  16. Undo
  17. Dec 23

    .: Paul Ryan could have put the bill on the floor. It would have gotten the votes to pass... Ryan has not been a speaker with a moral backbone or the ability to negotiate his caucus out. Remember Republicans control the House, the Senate & White House right now

  18. I'm going LIVE on with at 7AM PST. Tune in! 📺

  19. During my first term, we held 23 town hall or Java with Jayapal events! Speaking with constituents is my favorite part of my job. 🥰

  20. The last shutdown costs the U.S. $24 billion. Trump and the GOP are playing games with American families, and for what? Christmas presents. Student loan payments. Groceries. Rent. 800,000 federal workers' livelihoods are at risk over a wall.


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