Jeff Fortenberryحساب موثّق


U.S. Representative for the First Congressional District of Nebraska

Lincoln, NE / Washington, D.C.
انضم في يناير ٢٠٠٩


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  1. ٢٢ ديسمبر

    No one wins in a shutdown; no one wins if the border is not safe.

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  2. ٢١ ديسمبر

    This time of year, we pause as Nebraskans, as Americans, to celebrate the origins of an ancient faith tradition and its enduring spiritual beauty: the idea of family, the idea of giving, the idea of

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  3. ٢٠ ديسمبر

    The House will soon attempt a bill that helps hurricane victims and adds border security. If it passes, then it is back to the Senate to avoid a shutdown.

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  4. ٢٠ ديسمبر

    Thank you Speaker Ryan for your calm, steady navigation of “The People’s House.” You did not seek this position, but you managed it with strength and decorum. We deeply appreciate your humble service to our country.

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  5. ١٥ ديسمبر

    For Nebraskans, the Farm Bill is not just another bill out of Washington. Like the rhythms of planting and sowing, it is an expected rite of legislative passage essential to who we are as a people.

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  6. ١٤ ديسمبر

    I had a very extraordinary engagement this week with Professor Jordan Peterson. A bipartisan group of Members met with him for dialogue. Many people seem captivated by his provocative work.

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  7. ١٤ ديسمبر

    What a way for the Husker’s women to win last night against Illinois in volleyball!

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  8. ١٣ ديسمبر

    Always a pleasure meeting with leaders from Nebraska's agriculture community. Thanks for Director Wellman and Stan Garbacz from the Nebraska Department of Agriculture for joining us DC. Timely visit as we passed the 2018 Farm Bill yesterday afternoon.

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  9. ١١ ديسمبر

    Farm Bill vote coming in the House.

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  10. ١١ ديسمبر

    Congratulations to the Nebraska Women’s Volleyball Team for advancing to their fourth straight NCAA Final Four! Best of luck and

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  11. ١١ ديسمبر

    Google CEO Sundar Pichai is testifying before Congress, where he needs to answer questions about censorship, bias, and employee misbehavior. He should also address concerns that I and have on YouTube’s tracking of and marketing to children.

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  12. ٧ ديسمبر

    There was a sense in America during President George H.W. Bush's tenure that he came from an elite life of privilege. That perception in no way captures the fullness of this man’s journey.

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  13. ٧ ديسمبر

    The Capitol Christmas tree was just lighted. The tree is from Oregon but traveled through Nebraska!

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  14. ٤ ديسمبر

    The U.S. has the lowest food prices in the industrialized world. We help feed the world and protect vulnerable persons. That’s why passing the is so critical. While it may not be clear to the coasts as to why this is important, it's essential to America’s well-being.

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  15. ٣ ديسمبر
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  16. ١ ديسمبر

    Statement from Congressman Jeff Fortenberry on the Passing of Former President George H.W. Bush.

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  17. ١ ديسمبر

    We have outsourced everything to Washington. We have nationalized every conceivable problem. Congress is not a 24/7 alarm to be set off by the media whenever it wants to generate crises and entertainment. This is not Netflix.

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  18. ٣٠ نوفمبر

    The US, Canada, and Mexico just signed an important and reworked trade agreement at the G-20 Summit in Argentina. The renewed agreement is fairer to America, expecting to provide higher wages to American workers and expanded access for American agricultural goods.

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  19. ٢٧ نوفمبر

    Facebook is in a world of hurt—because it let itself become Hatebook.

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  20. ٢٦ نوفمبر

    Trade with China was supposed to transform China. And it did—into a huge capitalist-communist controlling regime. Do not over-invest in economics as the sole pathway to promoting human dignity.

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