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Chris Van Hollen
U.S. Senator for Maryland
Chris Van Hollen 24m
On the Senate floor with to ask McConnell to bring our bill to guarantee back pay for furloughed federal workers to a vote. Federal workers deserve to know that if the Trump Shutdown happens they won’t be punished.
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Chris Van Hollen 7h
President Trump said he would be “proud” to shut down the government. Now, as always, he wants to duck responsibility. He'll sow chaos across the country—all because he couldn’t keep his promise that Mexico—not taxpayers—would pay for his stupid wall. I'm coming back to vote NO.
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Chris Van Hollen retweeted
Chris Van Hollen Dec 20
Paul Ryan should be ashamed that in his final act as Speaker he has again become a pawn of President Trump. Why not allow a vote on a bipartisan Senate bill and let democracy work in the House? Why do the President’s bidding? This is a cowardly way to govern.
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WBAL NewsRadio 1090 and FM 101.5 Dec 20
Reaction to latest shutdown threat from .
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Chris Van Hollen Dec 20
Paul Ryan should be ashamed that in his final act as Speaker he has again become a pawn of President Trump. Why not allow a vote on a bipartisan Senate bill and let democracy work in the House? Why do the President’s bidding? This is a cowardly way to govern.
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Chris Van Hollen Dec 20
Mr. President, yesterday you said we had defeated ISIS. Today you say that Russia is unhappy because they will have to fight ISIS. The reality is Russia, Turkey, and others are happy you abandoned our key partners in the fight against ISIS, the Syrian Kurds. Weak.
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Chris Van Hollen Dec 20
We had a bipartisan vote in the Senate to keep the government open. In his final days, Speaker Ryan must do the right thing and let democracy work its will. House Republicans should not be minions of Trump, scampering down to the White House. Pass the bill and stop the shutdown!
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Chris Van Hollen Dec 19
Trump has refused to provide federal employees with a modest cost of living increase. That’s why I am still pushing to get a COLA passed before January 1st. If that is blocked, then it should be a priority for early next year. Civil servants aren't the President’s punching bag.
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Chris Van Hollen Dec 19
It's been four years since I traveled to Cuba to bring home. Even after five years in a Cuban prison, he never lost hope and was a catalyst for opening a new chapter with Cuba. Now he is fighting back against Trump’s efforts to reverse the progress that was made.
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Chris Van Hollen Dec 18
For all the cynicism about Congress being unable to accomplish anything, there was a little ray of light as we head into the New Year: the Senate took a positive step to reform our broken criminal justice system by passing the .
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Neil Cavuto Dec 18
. to Neil: This is not about whether we need border security, we need border security. It's about not wasting a lot of taxpayer money on something most people think is ineffective
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Chris Van Hollen Dec 18
The Senate Intelligence Committee released a bipartisan report that shows that Russia waged a “propaganda war against American citizens” and tried to suppress African American voters to help elect Donald Trump. For a year, I have pushed to pass the DETER Act, Let's get it done.
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Chris Van Hollen Dec 18
We are working hard to avoid a shutdown. This isn’t about border security—which we support on a bipartisan basis. This is about not wasting taxpayer dollars on an unnecessary wall. I hope Trump has finally realized what a mistake it would be for him to shut down the government.
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Chris Van Hollen Dec 18
This tells you everything you need to know about our President. He used his personal charity for private gain in what the authorities described as “persistently illegal conduct.” Now he is using the White House to enrich himself and his family.
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Chris Van Hollen Dec 18
Last year, I spoke to a crowd at about our battle to protect the Affordable Care Act. Since then, we've stopped multiple attempts by Republicans to dismantle our health care system. Now, with the ruling from Texas, we must again unite to fight back. RT if you’re in.
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Chris Van Hollen Dec 17
It's a good day for metro riders. We’re ending the inconvenient Grosvenor station turnaround. Now every Red Line train will go through to Shady Grove. This will help thousands of riders. Next, let’s end the Silver Spring turnaround so every train goes through to Glenmont.
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Chris Van Hollen Dec 17
The Senate just voted to move the forward. It’s an important step in our struggle to reform our broken criminal justice system. The final vote is expected tomorrow and I’ll oppose “poison pill” amendments so we can make sure it passes with strong bipartisan support.
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Chris Van Hollen Dec 17
Last week, I met with the terrific , students, and faculty at to learn more about innovative programs on campus, including the new opioid peer recovery training course in the Counseling Department and the cutting edge nursing simulation lab. Great visit!
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Chris Van Hollen Dec 15
Keep speaking out about the corruption that plagues this Administration. Ryan Zinke was following the example of his boss, the President—abusing the public trust for their own personal benefit. Drain the Trump swamp!
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Chris Van Hollen retweeted Dec 14
The recent federal court decision is still moving through the courts, and the exchanges are still open for business and we will continue with Open Enrollment. There is no impact to your current coverage and your coverage in a 2019 plan.
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