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  1. Tweet fixat
    20 dec.

    Let's be clear about what this means. Though both parties reached an agreement, would rather block funding for: -Homeland Security -ATF, TSA and Border Patrol -Opioid epidemic response -Disaster relief Over a costly, ineffective wall. ?

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  2. a redistribuit
    27 dec.

    Highlight: Maryland's says shutdown progress is going to depend on Pres. Trump: "We thought the president was in agreement. He was. He then changed his mind when the reaction he got from one of his favorite channels was not what he wanted."

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  3. a redistribuit
    27 dec.

    Tonight while in Iraq the president says he thinks “a lot of people are going to come around to my way of thinking” when it comes to pulling all US troops out of Syria. To that says, not going to happen.

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  4. 26 dec.

    Translation: “Dozens of federal agencies and departments will continue to be shut down — and Americans will continue to go without key govt services — because can’t accept that a wall won’t fix our broken immigration system.”

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  5. 22 dec.

    ... these are workers who mostly are on the job 24/7, 365 days a year. Holiday or no holiday. The difference this year, thanks to President Trump, is that they won’t know when their next pay check will come. The Senate passed a clean Continuing Resolution. The House should too.

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  6. 22 dec.

    I’m thankful that the Senate passed unanimously my bill, with and over 30 cosponsors, to protect federal workers nationwide so they know they will get paid (eventually) even if the President forces a shutdown. I urge the House to pass it quickly.

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  7. 22 dec.

    These are federal law enforcement and correctional workers from ATF, Bureau of Prisons, FBI, US Marshals, DEA. Forest Service firefighters and even weather forecasters. More than 380,000 public servants will be furloughed - NASA, Nat’l Parks, HUD, DOT and others.

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  8. 22 dec.

    There is no such thing as a ‘good’ shutdown. Even a partial shutdown costs taxpayers money. It inconveniences the public. And its certainly not fair to the federal public servants who would be directly affected. More than 420,000 will be working without pay ...

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  9. 21 dec.

    Sincerely appreciate the efforts of players to engage in the push for criminal justice reform. By working together, we have won a major bipartisan victory with the First Step Act, which was signed into law today.

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  10. 21 dec.

    We’re on dangerous ground. The Senate will soon be tasked with confirming a new Secretary of Defense — a responsibility that now demands an unparalleled level of seriousness.

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  11. 21 dec.

    Secretary ’ resignation signals a crisis. is conducting reckless, incoherent foreign policy. He is ignoring the advice of advisors and our military. He is alienating our allies. And he articulates no plan or explanation beyond what he can fit in a wayward tweet.

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  12. 20 dec.
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  13. 19 dec.

    .: What's your strategy? American troops deserve to know that you have one, and the American people deserve transparency from their commander in chief. Explain yourself.

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  14. 19 dec.

    Without a congressional AUMF, U.S. intervention in has long been suspect. But suddenly pulling out U.S. presence without any clear strategy leaves a void that threatens both regional stability and our own national security. This is no way to conduct foreign policy.

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  15. a redistribuit
    19 dec.

    Homerun agreement between , and Cuban Baseball Federation. This deal will make life better for Cuban baseball players, who will no longer have to risk unsafe passage to the U.S. to play in the .

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  16. 19 dec.

    President Trump's new report rightly points out the unmet need for mental health services in schools. But last year, supported a bill (HR 1628) that would have slashed Medicaid funding for school psychologists, social workers, nurses. Our kids deserve better.

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  17. 19 dec.

    The Federal Commission on School Safety was the center of ’ response to the shooting. Yet they don't even mention the widespread availability of military style assault weapons, or how the majority of school shootings are carried out with them. Disgraceful.

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  18. a redistribuit
    17 dec.

    We can’t be the only ones with whiplash. Candidate Trump said Mexico would pay for his wall, “100%” Now, he is “proud” to shut down the government unless the U.S. pays for it.

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  19. 17 dec.

    I know many Marylanders are concerned that this ruling will have serious, negative consequences for their . But it will not take effect next year. Next comes the appeals process, where I have every confidence that the will remain the law of the land.

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  20. 16 dec.

    Maryland in space! Led by faculty and built by in Greenbelt, the GEDI (Global Ecosystems Dynamics Investigation) lidar instrument installed on the will create 3D maps of global forest structure to help us monitor our ecosystems. Nice work.

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