Seth Moultonसत्यापित खाता


Congressman for . Let's bring a new generation of leadership to Washington. All Tweets are my own.

Salem, MA
फ़रवरी 2011 पर शामिल हुए


आपने @sethmoulton को अवरुद्ध किया है

क्या आप वाकई इन ट्वीट को देखना चाहते हैं? ट्वीट देखने से @sethmoulton का अवरोध नहीं हटेगा

  1. पिन किया हुआ ट्वीट
    22 दिस॰

    Bottom line: The President of the United States just shut down our government in a political stunt to get American taxpayers to foot the bill for his ineffective border wall that he promised Mexico would pay for. And he can’t even get enough votes in his own party to support him.

  2. 10 घंटे पहले

    Is the incentive that this Administration and your party will start to care that children are dying at the border, ?

  3. 29 दिस॰

    Let's hope 2019 picks up where 2018 left off and makes this country-wide already.

  4. 28 दिस॰

    Meeting Richard was an honor. Though he has left us, the memory of his service and dedication to our country will live on.

  5. 28 दिस॰

    Facts are facts: Trump’s obsession with an expensive and useless "wall" is what's keeping our Government shutdown.

  6. 28 दिस॰
  7. 25 दिस॰
  8. ने रीट्वीट किया
    21 दिस॰

    Just reminded myself that the distance between NYC and Chicago is almost exactly that between Beijing and Shanghai, and that the 1st is served by 1 train/day that takes 19 hours, and the 2nd is served by 35 trains/day that take as few as 4.5 hours.

    यह थ्रेड दिखाएं
  9. 22 दिस॰

    Classic GOP move - order suspension votes on over four dozen minor bills but block ANY debate or consideration of bills stopping the inhumane Saudi war in Yemen.

  10. 21 दिस॰

    Dictators advising military operations while our own Secretary of Defense is kept in the dark. Utterly shameful. The United States has become a puppet of authoritarian regimes under this president. Becomes less surprising Mattis is resigning by the day.

  11. 21 दिस॰

    If Mar-a-Lago was run by civil servants maybe Trump would care about a shutdown at Christmas.

  12. 21 दिस॰

    I've had the privilege of working closely with Jay to drive economic development in Lynn. He is a thoughtful public servant and I'm grateful for his service to our Commonwealth.

  13. 20 दिस॰

    Mattis: - Tells Trump not to pull out of Iran Deal. He does. - Tells Trump to counter Russia. He doesn’t. - Tells Trump North Korea is still a threat. Trump claims victory. - Tells Trump to value our allies and partners. Trump does the opposite. - Syria is the last straw.

  14. 20 दिस॰

    I can't think of a more appropriate way to end a Republican-led Congress than with a Republican-led shutdown.

  15. 20 दिस॰

    I am proud to announce my National Service bill with . Our country benefits when more of our young people feel like they have a stake in its future.

  16. 19 दिस॰

    Journalists killed in cold blood right here at home. It’s sad that we’re on this list but after this year we deserve to be. Thank a journalist today.

  17. 19 दिस॰
  18. 19 दिस॰

    The American people have a right to data privacy and the expectation that companies like Facebook will protect that right.

  19. 19 दिस॰

    Playing fast and loose with American service-member’s lives isn’t strategic. We need clarity on what our strategy in Syria actually is and what outcomes we seek. (Not the first time Trump has made this promise)

  20. 19 दिस॰

    Our service members overseas too often miss out on holiday traditions and Christmas firsts. Heartwarming video of one father-son reunion.


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