Article 1 of the Constitution places the responsibility to declare war in the hands of Congress. But for too long, Congress has ceded that responsibility to the President, leaving our country in a perpetual state of war. This must end, that’s why Walter Jones and I have introduced the No More Presidential Wars resolution.
Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution gives Congress the exclusive authority to declare war. But the last time Congress officially declared war was December 8th, 1941 – the day the U.S. entered World War II. Ever since, Congress has failed to uphold their constitutional responsibility and have instead ceded power to the President. So, we remain in a state of perpetual war, led by presidents in both parties at great cost to the American people with no declaration of war by Congress and no input from the American people. The direct and indirect costs of these presidential wars are astounding. They take a toll on our troops, our veterans, and on the American people. Since 9/11 alone, we’ve spent trillions of dollars on regime-change wars and nation-building while people in our communities suffer and struggle because of a lack of resources here at home, what to mention the costs borne by our troops, those who pay the ultimate price, as well as those who come home with wounds that are visible and invisible. The American people deserve accountability. Mr. Walter Jones and I have introduced a bipartisan resolution 922 to make sure that Congress fulfills its constitutional role, ends presidential wars, and has robust debate before making the decision to send our troops into battle. More info:
For decades, bad data and misinformation have fueled the failed War on Drugs that’s wasted billions of taxpayer dollars incarcerating Americans for non-violent marijuana charges. Our outdated marijuana policies have turned everyday Americans into criminals, strained our criminal justice system, cost taxpayers tremendously, and torn families apart - all for a substance that’s proven to be far less harmful and dangerous than alcohol. Our federal policies should be based on actual science and fact, not misplaced stigma and outdated myths. However, the fact that marijuana is currently classified as a Schedule 1 drug –the same category as heroin and cocaine – restricts and even discourages scientific research on marijuana, limiting our ability to create science-based policies. I’ll be introducing the bipartisan Marijuana Data Collection Act with my colleague Rep. Carlos Curbelo so that we can create a study to set the record straight. Our bill would authorize a non-partisan, evidence-based report that analyzes current marijuana policies across the country, and their effects on our communities. I urge my colleagues to support our bipartisan legislation. More info:

Christmas is always so special because of time spent with loved ones and the spirit of giving all around our community. Last night I joined Daniel Dae Kim and tennis pros Kei Nishikori and Garbiñe Muguruza for an exhibition match at the Hawaii Open to raise funds for Puna volcano relief efforts. Mahalo Hawaiʻi Open and to all who attended for the $10,000 donation to Hawaii Community Foundation’s Volcano Recovery Fund!

Image may contain: 7 people, people smiling, people standing and shoes
Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling
Image may contain: 2 people, people playing sports
Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people playing sports, tennis and outdoor

Today, we take the first in a long line of steps toward comprehensive criminal justice reform. There’s no overnight solution to our broken criminal justice system, but this bill makes long overdue progress that will make a lasting difference.
Washington, DC— Bipartisan legislation that Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (HI-02) co-sponsored and worked to pass would empower formerly-incarcerated individuals, improve public safety, and reduce recidivism and was signed into law today. The Formerly Incarcerated Reenter Society Transformed, Safely Transiti...