Rep. Barbara Leeחשבון מאומת


Progressive Democrat representing the . Promoting justice for all, peace, & human rights. Co-Chair. Proud member of the .

Washington, DC and Oakland, CA
כאן מאז פברואר 2011
נולד בתאריך 16 ביולי


חסמת את @RepBarbaraLee

האם אתה בטוח שאתה רוצה להציג את הציוצים האלה? הצגת הציוצים לא תגרום לשחרור של @RepBarbaraLee

  1. לפני 24 שעות

    Merry Christmas and happy Kwanzaa to all! Hope everyone is enjoying the day with family, friends and loved ones. Today and every day, it’s an honor to represent — the most enlightened district in the country!

  2. 25 בדצמ׳

    Happy Holidays! Wishing you and your family a peaceful and joyous season.

  3. צייץ מחדש
    23 בדצמ׳

    I am devastated to hear of the tragic loss of life following the . I pray that the dozens still missing are found safe, and I mourn the hundreds of souls lost in this disaster.

  4. 23 בדצמ׳

    Because of the , millions of survivors who rely on programs funded by the Violence Against Women Act will not have the resources they need to stay safe right before the holidays. Shame on this President.

  5. 23 בדצמ׳

    One year ago, President Trump and passed their to enrich the wealthiest among us. Now, Trump has shut down the government, hurting hundreds of thousands of families at the holidays. Federal workers should not be used as a political pawn.

  6. 21 בדצמ׳

    Justice Ginsburg has shown so much strength on and off the bench. Wishing her a speedy and complete recovery soon.

  7. 21 בדצמ׳

    Senate Democrats already passed a bipartisan funding bill to keep the government open. Then Trump threw a temper tantrum. The president said it himself last week — this is a .

  8. 21 בדצמ׳

    To recap, in the past 48 hours, Trump has pushed us to the brink of a government shutdown, had his Secretary of Defense resign, and abruptly changed the direction of our Syria policy via Twitter, without consulting his aides or cabinet. This is a White House in chaos.

  9. צייץ מחדש
    20 בדצמ׳

    When I was a teenager, my dad lost his job and my family relied on food stamps to survive. This unilateral and unjustified move by the Trump Administration won't help anyone escape poverty. It puts vulnerable Americans, including thousands of Veterans, at risk of going hungry.

  10. צייץ מחדש
    20 בדצמ׳

    BREAKING: After failing to gut food stamps in the Farm Bill, Trump has announced he plans to sidestep Congress & unilaterally slash the program by fiat—just days before Christmas. (THREAD.)

    הצג שרשור זה
  11. 21 בדצמ׳

    I went to the House Floor to condemn the . As we saw today, President Trump doesn’t want a deal, he wants to hold our government hostage over the holidays.

  12. 20 בדצמ׳

    Just in time for the holidays, President Trump announces a new plan to kick 750,000+ people off of food stamps. Americans will go hungry because of this. It’s mean-spirited and counterproductive.

  13. 20 בדצמ׳

    While I agree we must bring home our troops as soon as possible, there is no plan in place to address the humanitarian disaster in Syria or advance negotiated peace. We MUST end these unauthorized wars, but the manner in which we do it matters.

  14. 20 בדצמ׳

    One thing is clear from this saga: President Trump doesn’t want a deal, he wants a shutdown. This isn’t just childish – it’s costly for our economy and unfair to the millions of federal workers who could be furloughed over the holidays.

  15. 20 בדצמ׳

    I’ve long called for the end of military operations in Syria and a withdrawal of troops & I will keep working to bring these endless wars to a close. However, as we bring our troops home, we must redouble our diplomatic efforts to broker peace in the region. Full statement:

  16. 18 בדצמ׳

    Instead of protecting students, Betsy DeVos’s Education Dept is trying to roll back students’ civil rights. This report will do nothing but further discriminate against students of color and increase the racial disparities in school discipline.

  17. 18 בדצמ׳

    I am relieved that the State Dept has granted a visa waiver to Shaima Swileh to be with her son. Thank you to everyone who fought for this outcome. But so many families are still torn apart by the heinous travel ban. We can’t stop until we end this un-American policy for good.

  18. 17 בדצמ׳

    I am working hard to reunite Shaima Swileh with her son before it’s too late. As a member of Congress, and a mother myself, the cruelty of barring a mother from reuniting with a sick child takes my breath away. This travel ban is inhumane and un-American.

  19. 17 בדצמ׳

    Progress from our global partners – but the US still sits on the sidelines in the fight against . are ready to on the first day of the new Congress. We can’t afford to waste any more time.

  20. 17 בדצמ׳

    I am overjoyed to welcome home our beloved friend and neighbor, Maria Mendoza-Sanchez, after her unjust deportation last year. Her return to Oakland makes these holidays so much sweeter.


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    ייתכן שגם ימצא חן בעיניך
