Mark Meadowsसत्यापित खाता


Businessman, husband, and father proudly representing North Carolina's 11th Congressional District. Chairman of .

Jackson County, NC
नवंबर 2012 पर शामिल हुए


आपने @RepMarkMeadows को अवरुद्ध किया है

क्या आप वाकई इन ट्वीट को देखना चाहते हैं? ट्वीट देखने से @RepMarkMeadows का अवरोध नहीं हटेगा

  1. 31 दिस॰ 2018

    Nancy Pelosi’s newest funding proposal doesn’t represent any serious attempt to secure our border or find a compromise. A $1.3 billion Democrat wish list that includes zero money for a border barrier is a non-starter and will not be a legitimate answer to this impasse.

  2. 27 दिस॰ 2018

    Nancy Pelosi told President Trump on national TV the House didn’t have the votes for a border wall bill. We did. It passed easily. The House passed it. The WH wants it. The Senate majority wants it. The one blocking an open government and a secure border: Chuck Schumer.

  3. 26 दिस॰ 2018

    President Trump has consistently shown a deep admiration and respect for our troops—whether or not the cameras are on—and his trip overseas today is just the latest example. Our military can have confidence they have a determined ally in this WH, as they deserve. God bless them!

  4. 25 दिस॰ 2018

    Thinking of our armed forces members and their families tonight, many of whom celebrated Christmas apart today due to serving and protecting our country. Thank you and Merry Christmas to our military families! We are with you and praying for you.

  5. 25 दिस॰ 2018

    Merry Christmas! May you and your family be blessed today. “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon His shoulders, and His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” -Isaiah 9:6

  6. ने रीट्वीट किया
    23 दिस॰ 2018

    ., this is inaccurate. Federal employees will receive their next paycheck, even under a lapse. Let’s come together over the holidays and secure the border, not spread confusion.

  7. 23 दिस॰ 2018

    Chuck Schumer continues to block government funding over just $5B for a border wall. Meanwhile the government has previously dealt out billions in improper payments. Perhaps we can reach an agreement to use those recouped payments toward a wall?

  8. 22 दिस॰ 2018

    The President and his team have engaged on an hourly basis to find a path forward to secure our borders and keep America safe. Meanwhile, Democrats have demonstrated a stronger desire to oppose and punish the President rather than protect our communities.

  9. ने रीट्वीट किया
    21 दिस॰ 2018

    We’re live on Facebook to discuss the need for Wall funding with , , and . Watch here:

  10. ने रीट्वीट किया
    21 दिस॰ 2018
  11. 20 दिस॰ 2018

    Tonight the House easily passed a CR + $5 billion in border wall funding. Good. Now, let's keep the government open. The House just passed a bill. The WH is on board with it. The Senate Majority wants it. Who is the one person/group blocking? Chuck Schumer and Senate Democrats.

  12. ने रीट्वीट किया
    20 दिस॰ 2018

    I completely support the House Republicans decision to add more wall funding to the spending bill. If the House passes a spending bill with more wall funding, I believe we can find win-win deal in Senate.

  13. ने रीट्वीट किया
    20 दिस॰ 2018

    It’s time we do what we said and work with President Trump and the American people to secure our borders.

    यह थ्रेड दिखाएं
  14. ने रीट्वीट किया
    20 दिस॰ 2018

    .'s to on properly insisting on funding: "My phones have lit up. They're applauding the President. Finally, someone is willing to fight for the forgotten man and woman."

  15. 20 दिस॰ 2018

    Just submitted this letter to the CAO, in advance of the government funding deadline. Members of Congress shouldn't be paid when the government isn't open. If there is a shutdown, I will not be accepting any of my salary for as long as it lasts.

  16. ने रीट्वीट किया
    20 दिस॰ 2018

    I made a promise to my constituents that I would fight for common sense border security. We have a crisis at our southern border, and I will stand with to secure the resources he needs to deal with this crisis.

  17. ने रीट्वीट किया
    20 दिस॰ 2018

    We get what we deserve when we don't . The border crisis is real, and while the cannot be the only part of the immigration solution, it plays an indisputably critical part…because walls work! The knows that and so do the American people.

  18. 20 दिस॰ 2018

    Just posted an op-ed in on the fight for border security: "Let’s seize the opportunity to show Americans the sincerity of our principles and our willingness to work for them." Let’s stand up and fight. It’s now or never.

  19. ने रीट्वीट किया
    20 दिस॰ 2018

    . and are right: If conservatives don't fight to do what they said, Americans will lose faith in the sincerity of conservatives' principles and their ability to implement them.

  20. 20 दिस॰ 2018

    Today we have an opportunity to show the American people who we are. Do we stand up and fight for their interests? Or do we surrender before the hard work even starts--all for the sake of political convenience? No more excuses. No more games. Stand up and fight.


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