Donald Norcrossحساب تایید شده


Representing New Jersey's 1st Congressional District in the United States House of Representatives

در ۱۳۹۴ فروردین پیوسته است


@DonaldNorcross را مسدود کردید

مطمئن اید که می‌خواهید این توییت‌ها را ببینید؟ دیدن توییت‌ها، @DonaldNorcross را از مسدودشدگی در نمی‌آورد.

  1. دی ۴

    Continued my annual Christmas tradition of visiting the 911 emergency center. A special thanks to our South Jersey first responders who work for us on Christmas & every day.

  2. دی ۴

    to everyone celebrating today. My family wishes you health & happiness.

  3. دی ۱

    The is now in effect. Sadly, American workers are the ones suffering because of Trump’s egotistical, politically-motivated temper tantrum. My full reaction:

  4. آذر ۳۰

    Congrats to my Legislative Director & her new fiancé on their Capitol engagement!

  5. آذر ۳۰

    Secretary Mattis has held strong — even amidst President Trump’s erratic whims. It’s disappointing to see him go. This is a sad, scary day for our national security. (Worth reading his full resignation letter.)

  6. آذر ۳۰

    Shame on the House GOP for voting to shut down our government over President Trump’s wasteful, ineffective wall. We need a real plan to secure our nation’s borders & reform our immigration system — not a politically-motivated temper tantrum on a misguided wall.

  7. آذر ۲۹

    Special thanks to & for their leadership. Looking forward to working with both of you even more to make our criminal justice system fair & effective.

    نمایش این رشته‌توییت
  8. آذر ۲۹

    Just voted for the . With much-needed sentencing reform, we’re finally breaking the pattern of failed policies that led to mass incarcerations and cost taxpayers millions of dollars. More:

    نمایش این رشته‌توییت
  9. آذر ۲۸

    Thank you for continuing to give back to our Camden community. ICYMI - 's reports on this week's surprise visit:

  10. آذر ۲۷
  11. آذر ۲۶

    Russia's election interference is no joke. We must . Please read the findings of the report.

  12. آذر ۲۴

    GOOD READ FOR EMPLOYERS: “Happy employees make for a better work product & more value to our customers. That’s what makes businesses successful, not squeezing the lowest-paid employees in a tight labor market.”

  13. آذر ۲۳

    Six years ago today, 26 innocent children & teachers were killed w/a weapon of war at Elementary School. In the six years since, the GOP House has never let us vote on legislation to prevent this type of tragedy. We're going to change that soon & .

    ، ، و 6 نفر دیگر
  14. آذر ۲۳

    As I announce $4.8 million is coming to SJ health centers, I must remind you that TOMORROW is the last day to get covered for 2019. info: Sign-up for coverage:

  15. آذر ۲۲

    Thanks, everyone, for the birthday wishes. To those who sent videos - your kind & funny messages made my day.

    ، ، و 7 نفر دیگر
    نمایش این رشته‌توییت
  16. آذر ۲۱

    Time is running out! There are only *3* days left to get covered for 2019. → Visit ← There are plenty of free resources available to help you choose the right plan for you & your family.

  17. بازتوییت کرد
    آذر ۲۱

    It's official. House Republicans will not hold one hearing on the minimum wage during their eight years in the Majority. Related: One in nine American workers is living in poverty.

  18. آذر ۲۰

    1. No one should be proud to shut down the government 2. Putting American families out of work around the holidays is plain wrong 3. The wall would be ineffective, immoral & expensive 4. Didn't Trump promise Mexico would pay for his wall anyway?

  19. آذر ۱۹

    There are only 5 days left to get health insurance coverage for 2019. (The deadline is this Saturday, December 15) Visit to find a plan that works for you & your family.

  20. آذر ۱۸

    ICYMI - This week, I appeared on to talk about why we must (in NJ, PA & nationally):


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