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  1. Violence is never acceptable - I'm closely monitoring this situation and thank Secret Service and law enforcement for intercepting these packages.

  2. Tune in ten minutes! - I'll be speaking with 's & about the importance of having more women in Congress!

  3. Hey -- the American people can see through your lies. Are you aware of what your administration did just TWO days ago? If not, let me remind you:

  4. Great news for -- the Water Resources Development Act was signed into law, which includes important projects to protect our beautiful Florida for generations to come and reduce harmful algae in our waterways.

  5. Polio cases have been reduced by 99.9% globally, from 350,000 per year in 1988 to just 22 cases in 2017! This , let’s work to ensure every child worldwide has a & is protected from this preventable disease.

  6. These are heartbreaking stories. Pregnancy discrimination still happens in workplaces across the country, forcing some women to choose between their job & a safe, healthy pregnancy. We must pass 's Pregnant Workers Fairness Act!

  7. 已轉推

    Despite all of his claims – all of his promises – Donald Trump has failed to stem the tide of rising prescription drug prices. But aren’t sitting around – we’re fighting hard to enact a real plan to end prescription drug price gouging

  8. 10月22日

    This is pretty clear: Republicans want to take away your -- including coverage for those with pre-existing conditions. This is bad. They're actively undermining , making it harder to access quality care & letting junk plans run the market.

  9. 10月22日

    If we close the gender gap in the workforce, we could add $28 trillion to the global GDP! My bill w/ , the , would provide women globally with resources to prosper financially, while helping their families & their countries succeed

  10. 10月22日

    This proposal is an attack on the dignity & very lives of transgender people. I'll never stop fighting for the rights of the LGBTQ+ community & despite this cruel proposal, they

  11. 10月22日

    Proud to lead the bipartisan Women's Caucus with my co-chair , working on issues that affect us all. When more women have a seat at the table, we can create laws & policies that reflect the people we’re trying to represent!

  12. 已轉推

    This is you and all your friends laughing hysterically about gutting preexisting conditions a year ago. You thought we forgot?

  13. 已轉推

    Under the , the cost of prescription drugs keeps going up while seniors & working families are feeling the squeeze. A Democratic Congress will work to lower Rx drug prices & health care costs for all Americans.

  14. 10月18日

    In under two years, Trump's dangerous expanded is wreaking havoc on countries desperate for basic health care, creating a "wave of uncertainty" for families who need access to contraception & treatment for HIV & Malaria. This is cruel!

  15. 10月18日

    All along, knew the outcome of their – exploding the deficit by $2tril then demanding massive cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, & Social Security. We need a Congress that works , not just rich shareholders & massive corporations.

  16. 已轉推

    If the GOP wins Congress, we'll have a sequel to Groundhog Day. Instead of a TV weatherman discovering the meaning of life, a senator from Kentucky will take your health coverage... I would rather see the one about how Democrats are fighting .

  17. 10月17日

    What an achievement! Lt. Gen. Laura J. Richardson will be the first woman to lead the largest command in the Army. Thank you for your decades of service. Congrats on breaking another glass ceiling & making

  18. 10月17日

    Remember when Republicans promised their - the trillion dollar tax cut for the wealthy - would "pay for itself"? Well, it isn't. And now they want to gut Medicare, Social Security & Medicaid to make up for it. Despicable. Democrats are & will fight this!

  19. 10月17日

    I am honored to receive a 100 on ’s Congressional Scorecard for my support of LGBTQ equality. No one should be discriminated against because of who they are, or who they love.

  20. 10月17日

    Did you know nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner in the US? Terrifying. This let's step up to the plate&end domestic violence. In Congress it's time we pass ’s bill to reauthorize&strengthen & support survivors



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