House Foreign Affairs Committee DemocratsVerifizierter Account


Eliot L. Engel (), Ranking Member House Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives.

Washington, DC
Beigetreten Juli 2009


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  1. America is less safe as US diplomats serving our country around the world are needlessly pushed aside by .

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  3. 21. Dez.

    The President owes Congress and the American people an explanation on how withdrawing from the fight against ISIS now will make the US & allies safer. This decision goes against the advice of natl security & military experts & abandons our allies.

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  4. NEW: Ranking Members & led a group of lawmakers demanding answers on the Administration's withdrawal.

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  5. “The drawdown of American troops in Afghanistan is a total reversal of the President’s South Asia strategy announced last year." Read Ranking Member 's statement on the Trump Administration's withdrawal:

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  6. ICYMI: Last night, Ranking Member joined on to discuss the resignation and the Trump Administration's withdrawals from and .

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  7. 21. Dez.

    "My first reaction was oh my god, the only grown up in the room has now just left," says Democratic Rep. Eliot Engel about Defense Secretary Jim Mattis' departure. "It's really a pity and you can see by his resignation letter that he's been agonizing for quite sometime now."

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  8. NOW: Ranking Member joins on to discuss the resignation and more.

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  10. It remains a long road ahead for those who want to see a stable, prosperous and democratic Egypt, but this development goes a long way to moving US-Egypt relations to a better place.

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  11. Ranking Member : After much engagement with Egyptian officials on the matter of the NGO workers, I welcome news of their acquittal.

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  12. RM : The deal between and the Cuban Baseball Federation is a win for the players & sports fans in both countries.

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  13. RM : Thanks to for expelling 2 Iranian diplomats for their role in a planned attack on a soccer match with an Israeli team. Effective cooperation b/w Albania, , , and the US blocked this potentially deadly act of terror.

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  14. Ranking Member 's statement on reports that the Trump Administration will withdraw all American troops from Syria:

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  16. Once again, the Trump Administration’s backward ideological crusades have isolated the U.S. on the world stage. This looks less like Trump’s failed “America First” and more like America alone.

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  17. RM : Continued gov’t obstruction of investigations by not renewing visas of key staff is unacceptable. The international community is closely monitoring.

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  18. Must-read Vice President piece on US leadership vacuum in Latin America under .

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  19. RM : Once again, President Museveni is hunting down , who was arrested & brutally tortured along with other opposition politicians in August. It is time to put a stop to the persecution of the political opposition in .

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