Rep. Kevin BradyVerifizierter Account


Dad. Husband. Chairman. Loves: Baseball, Texas, tax reform.

The Woodlands, Texas
Beigetreten Februar 2009


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  1. Agree, Sen. Hatch. Religious bigotry has no place in U.S. ...including the Senate.

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  2. This shutdown unnecessary. House has sent common-sense solution to Senate. Main roadblock: CAN’T budge - her extreme members will pull their votes for Speaker. Preview of dysfunctional majority?

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  3. 26. Dez.

    Missing facts: 1) New tax law INCREASES % of $$ contributions deductible, 2) With xtra $2k, more jobs & higher wages, families can give more, 3) Stronger economy = more contributions. 2008 fell 2%, 2009 fell 3.7%, took 5 yrs to recover to ‘07 levels.

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  4. 26. Dez.

    If this is not a national day, it should be! Thank you, Cathy, for a wonderful Christmas for the Brady’s, the Patronella’s and the Gieknapp’s (who traveled from Iowa for a Texas Christmas complete with Christmas Eve bbq).

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  5. 26. Dez.

    I’m sure Ray’s family appreciates your kind note. And on Christmas Day, no less! Your children must be so proud....

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  6. 25. Dez.

    I hope God enjoys talking fishing, because Ray has some stories. He always left you happier, and laughing. You’ll be missed, friend. .

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  7. 25. Dez.

    As you’re celebrating the birth of Christ with your family and friends, please remember the men and women serving our nation overseas and the many families with empty seats around the table this year. From my family and team, we wish all of you a blessed Christmas.

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  8. hat retweetet
    25. Dez.

    As we crawl into bed this Christmas Eve awaiting the joy the morning will bring, let us not forget those away from home standing guard, so we may sleep safely and enjoy the blessings of freedom with our family on Christmas Day.

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  9. hat retweetet
    25. Dez.

    Even Santa needs a good pair of for his trip!

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  10. 25. Dez.

    Two points: 1) This is part of China’s dangerous crackdown on Christian churches, and 2) In U.S. we must guard our religious freedoms as guaranteed by . We are blessed. Have a wonderful Christmas & holidays!

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  11. 24. Dez.

    Amid all the turmoil and busyness of our world, I’m always grateful for a season to celebrate the Christmas Story. What a beautiful testimony of God’s love for his creation –sending His Son to be born and live among us, with an amazing plan of sacrifice and redemption before Him.

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  12. 24. Dez.

    The Brady family is ready for Christmas Eve! Special family dinner, wrapping presents & welcoming Jesus’ birth.

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  13. 24. Dez.

    Steelers lost, so playoffs return to Houston! Need win next week to clinch division.

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  14. 24. Dez.

    Murder, violence, migrants misled. People Without Borders should be held accountable for their manipulation of Central American caravan.

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  15. hat retweetet
    23. Dez.

    trees. Holiday sweets and feasts. 'Tis the season wouldn't be the same without farmers and ranchers.

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  16. hat retweetet
    21. Dez.

    Only way I know to stop a Schumer shutdown is 4 Schumer &Trump to be locked in a room &reach agreement on $ 4 border security. Obv must stop drug dealers, human traffickers& criminals fr entering country. What’s big deal Sen Schumer? U have voted to spend 25b on wall-why not $5B?

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  17. hat retweetet
    22. Dez.

    Today we’re celebrating one year of with the 👉🏻 record high wage growth, record low unemployment, record high small business optimism, more investment in USA, higher paychecks, higher GDP growth, the list goes on….

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  18. 22. Dez.

    The House has sent the bill/solution to the Senate - fund the govt, $5 billion to build the wall and $8 billion for crucial disaster aid. Reasonable, fair and reopens the government. Let’s act, Senate.

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  19. 22. Dez.

    To be clear, the House adjourned for the day - only AFTER voting Thursday to fund the government, fund wall & $8 billion disaster aid. Keeping govt open now in Senate hands.

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  20. hat retweetet
    21. Dez.

    In 2013, every Senate Democrat voted for $46 billion in border security and 700 miles of fencing. ?

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