
Anda memblokir @RepRoybalAllard

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    23 Mar

    PLEASE SHARE: Subscribe to my mailing list at to get important updates from my office! While you're at it, I hope you'll follow me on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube for the latest news about my work in Congress.

  2. Donald Trump needs to stop holding the nation hostage to his radical demands for an ineffective and expensive border wall.  End the , Mr. President!

  3. 26 Des

    Democrats have offered Republicans multiple proposals to open the govt. The proposals include funding for strong, sensible, effective border security – but not the Trump border wall. I urge the president and his GOP colleagues to stand with Democrats and end the .

  4. 26 Des

    As the weeklong holiday begins, I send best wishes to all who are celebrating! May it be an inspirational and unifying time.

  5. 25 Des

    Why is it so hard for Donald Trump to accept that the majority of Americans won’t support his border wall? We’ve been clear on this for over a year. He needs to accept the facts, move on, and let Congress reopen the government.

  6. 25 Des

    As top Democrat on the DHS Appropriations Subcommittee, I will keep fighting Trump’s irresponsible, uncaring, and hateful immigration policies. Any U.S. President must ALWAYS ensure their administration prioritizes the well-being of the children in its care.

    Tampilkan utas ini
  7. 25 Des

    Heartbroken to hear ANOTHER immigrant child has died in CBP custody. While we don’t know all the details yet, the death of this child is outrageous. We need a full investigation and accounting of this horrific tragedy.

    Tampilkan utas ini
  8. 25 Des

    ! Wishing you and your family a day full of joy, happiness, and togetherness.

  9. 24 Des

    Republicans control the House, Senate and White House. They have the responsibility and power to keep government open. Instead, they've forced a that's hurting hundreds of thousands of families in the middle of the holiday season.

  10. 23 Des

    America’s federal employees work hard to serve our country and us. They deserve to be able to pay their rent, buy holiday gifts, and put food on the table. It’s time to put an end to the and let them enjoy the holiday season!

  11. 22 Des

    Wondering what the of government means for Americans? Read this quick explainer.

  12. 22 Des

    DON'T FORGET: Donald Trump claimed the . On Dec. 11, he said: “I am proud to shut down the government…I will take the mantle. I will be the one to shut it down. I’m not going to blame you for it.” He can’t escape responsibility for it now.

  13. 22 Des

    Donald Trump has forced this shutdown because he wants to spend billions on an immoral, expensive, and ineffective border wall. America needs him to step up and demonstrate the responsibility his position demands. I call on him to stand with Democrats to end the .

  14. 22 Des

    Very pleased the Supreme Court upheld the block against Trump’s asylum ban. His ban deserves to be roundly defeated — it totally goes against America’s history of providing humanitarian relief to vulnerable individuals fleeing violence and persecution.

  15. 21 Des

    Republicans have failed to govern once again. They are forcing Americans to pay for a wall, and they are willing to shut down the government to do so. We have many more urgent homeland security needs than this trophy for President Trump.

  16. 19 Des

    When Democrats assume leadership of the House next month, we must fight to spend Homeland Security funds responsibly, limit funding for harmful Trump immigration policies, and conduct strict oversight of the Department of Homeland Security.

    Tampilkan utas ini
  17. 19 Des

    As the top Democrat on the House DHS Approps Subcommittee, I will keep fighting for policies that keep our country safe. We cannot afford to waste money on Trump’s immoral, ineffective, and expensive border wall, especially when there are so many genuine DHS needs we must fund.

    Tampilkan utas ini
  18. 19 Des

    Republican leadership has failed to govern. By choosing to pursue a second CR instead of passing appropriations bills that truly meet our nation’s needs, Republicans have failed to provide government agencies with the certainty they need to serve the American people.

    Tampilkan utas ini
  19. 19 Des

    . Open Enrollment lasts until January 15, 2019. Find a health insurance plan that works for you and your family at . Need assistance? Free expert help is available at .

    Tampilkan utas ini
  20. 19 Des

    El periodo de inscripción abierta del termina el 15 de enero del 2019. Encuentre el plan de seguro médico que le convenga a usted y su familia en . ¿Necesita ayuda? Hay ayuda gratuita de expertos disponible en .

    Tampilkan utas ini
  21. 19 Des

    Members of Congress ask Wage and Hour to come up with a comprehensive enforcement policy after alarming report notes most child work deaths in U.S. are in agriculture. Thx


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