
Zablokowano @SenWhitehouse

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  1. Thank you to for a great discussion. I’m proud that RI has some of the best companies in the world and a robust industry in addition to many other innovative companies. I will continue to fight to support this important industry.

  2. An added bonus to 's new electric buses: they were all made right here in Rhode Island by . A great company helping become a leader in the industry.

  3. I was glad to attend the launch of RIPTA’s electric bus pilot program. By investing in clean energy, we can reduce emissions, and create new jobs. Thank you to and for your commitment to improving the health and quality of life for residents.

  4. People think there’s dispute because fossil fuel fraud campaign, echoed by Party ridiculously dependent on fossil fuel money, tells them so. It’s fraud not science.

  5. Actually, better than 97% science consensus about role of fossil fuel emissions — known since Lincoln was president.

  6. “Nothing happened, he’s fine.” Then “interrogation gone wrong.” Then “brawl” (one guy against 15?). Now “mistake.” If they sent in 15 guys including a mortuary expert with a bone saw, some mistake. Let’s start with: where’s the body?

  7. My colleagues , Sen. , and I are asking Director Duff of to review the secret and partisan closed-door training program for federal judicial clerks offered by a conservative Washington think tank.

  8. podał/a dalej
    17 paź
  9. Cofnij
  10. 21 paź

    And this is why fossil fuel money funds the Supreme Court nominations operation: just for moments like this. Let’s hope this doesn’t end up on the list of over 70 partisan 5-4 big political wins already delivered by the “Roberts Five.”

    Pokaż ten wątek
  11. 21 paź

    And behind the campaign to ignore and disparage Dr. Blasey Ford was the same billionaire money that funded the selection of in the first place.

    Pokaż ten wątek
  12. 21 paź

    They wanted me to understand that their own memories were bright shards just like Dr. Blasey Ford’s memories, that I should believe her, and that they wanted this to be a turning point. Many had kept secret for years, even decades

    Pokaż ten wątek
  13. 21 paź
  14. 20 paź

    Enjoyed visiting the Jim Gillen Center. Supporting those in is essential to tackling the . Thank you to the staff and those who shared inspiring journeys to recovery. I am grateful to and Anchor for providing quality treatment and support.

  15. 20 paź

    The port is thriving and these improvements will benefit ’s fishing and marine trade industries. Rhode Island is lucky to have the ports, the people, and the infrastructure necessary to catch and prepare some of the best seafood in the world.

  16. 20 paź

    Enjoyed touring the Port of , one of the largest commercial ports here on the East Coast. I worked with the delegation to secure funding for to make critical infrastructure improvements to the port.

  17. 19 paź

    They break rules of precedent, originalism, modesty, even fact-finding, to get to the favored result.

  18. 19 paź

    Good advice for the Court. But can the activists restrain themselves? So far, there’s little evidence of restraint where big Republican interests are involved.

  19. 19 paź

    It’s one of many pieces to solve the puzzle, a nationally being the biggest and most vital.

  20. 19 paź

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