Nancy PelosiCuenta verificada


Speaker-designate, focused on strengthening America's middle class and creating jobs; mother, grandmother, dark chocolate connoisseur.

San Francisco
Se unió en agosto de 2008


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  1. Tweet fijado
    11 dic.

    . has the Senate, the White House, and the House (for the moment) under Republican control. He has the power to keep government open – but instead, he says he’s going to shut down the government.

  2. hace 20 horas

    As families across the country come together to celebrate, we wish joy & comfort to you all. Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!

  3. 24 dic.

    As long as is guided by the House , it’s hard to see how he can come up with a solution that can pass both the House and Senate and end his .

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  4. 24 dic.

    . wanted the , but he seems not to know how to get himself out of it.

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  5. 24 dic.

    Meanwhile, different people from the same White House are saying different things about what would accept or not accept to end his , making it impossible to know where they stand at any given moment.

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  6. 24 dic.

    Instead of bringing certainty into people’s lives, is continuing the just to please right-wing radio & TV hosts.

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  7. 24 dic.

    It's Christmas Eve and is plunging the country into chaos. The stock market is tanking and the president is waging a personal war on the Federal Reserve — after he just fired the Secretary of Defense.

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  8. 24 dic.

    By choosing to trigger the , is hampering important efforts to keep Americans safe. If Trump & the GOP don’t stop holding America hostage to their radical policies, the Democratic Majority will act swiftly to reopen government in January.

  9. 22 dic.

    If & Republicans choose to continue this , the new House Democratic majority will swiftly pass legislation to re-open government in January.

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  10. 22 dic.

    Democrats have offered Republicans multiple proposals to keep the government open, including one that already passed the Senate unanimously, & all of which include funding for strong, sensible, & effective border security – not the president's ineffective and expensive wall.

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  11. 22 dic.

    . has said more than 25 times that he wanted a and now he has gotten what he wanted.

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  12. 22 dic.

    Republicans control the House, the Senate, & the White House. But instead of honoring his responsibility to the American people, threw a temper tantrum & convinced the to push our nation into a destructive during the holiday season.

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  13. 22 dic.

    Regrettably, America has now entered a .

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  14. retwitteó
    21 dic.

    Something smells in this Congress, and it’s the calling an emergency meeting of the Rules Committee just 8 hours away from a …. On CHEESE.

  15. retwitteó
    21 dic.

    “I’ve seen some surreal things around this place, but this is really something. Vital parts of our government are about to shut down in just a few hours, and the Republicans have called an emergency meeting… On cheese.” - just now in the Rules Committee

  16. 21 dic.

    A hurts the men & women who keep us safe: taking away paychecks from 41,000 federal law enforcement & corrections officers – plus nearly 90% of Homeland Security employees.

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  17. 21 dic.

    Maybe and can’t imagine living paycheck to paycheck like most Americans. But the will force nearly 800k federal employees to go without pay – right in the middle of the holidays.

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  18. 21 dic.

    It’s the holiday season. Trump and Republican antics are causing shockwaves through the economy. Working families need certainty. needs to stop holding America hostage, and keep government open & working for the people.

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  19. 21 dic.

    Food safety inspections will be curtailed. Identity theft victim services will be suspended. State and local law enforcement training programs will be stopped. All thanks to a .

    A #TrumpShutdown would stop many services for victims of identity theft.
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  20. 21 dic.

    .’s immoral, ineffective and expensive wall doesn’t make us safe, or honor our oath to protect & defend our neighbors & communities. And no matter much how he thinks a will help him politically, it poses a real threat to American families.

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  21. retwitteó
    21 dic.

    I have a bunch of ideas for how to spend $5 BILLION and a wall aint one.

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