Mike RogersTài khoản được xác nhận


I am proud to represent Alabama's Third Congressional District.

Washington, D.C./Anniston, AL
Đã tham gia tháng 4 năm 2009


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    Democrats are so committed to their open borders agenda that they shut the government down days before Christmas rather than protect our border from crime, human trafficking, and drugs.

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    Thank you to our GREAT Republican Members of Congress for your VOTE to fund Border Security and the Wall. The final numbers were 217-185 and many have said that the enthusiasm was greater than they have ever seen before. So proud of you all. Now on to the Senate!

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  3. ICYMI: "Securing our porous border with Mexico is a matter of national security. I fully support building the wall and helping President Trump fulfill his promise to Americans."

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  4. Thanks to and USDA for taking this important step. Able-bodied adults without dependents should be working or looking for a job if they’re on government benefits – it’s straightforward.

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  5. Had a great time with my oldest son, Evan, at the White House Ball! Nothing is better than time spent with your kids!

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  6. I am excited to see moving this policy forward. The establishment of the United States Space Command is just one step towards our shared goal of a United States Space Force. I look forward to working with him to accomplish it.

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  8. ICYMI: “I am thrilled that Chris Vieson will be joining the Committee as the Staff Director. His knowledge and leadership abilities are extraordinary and make Chris a perfect choice for this role.”

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  10. Always great to be in to discuss ! Thanks for having me!

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  11. Was proud to sign the Conference Report this week after a lot of hard work. Can’t wait to get it to President Trump’s desk!

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  12. We are ready for Christmas in 2184 Rayburn! “She gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no…

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  14. It was an honor to be with President Donald J. Trump this week for S. 140 The Frank LoBiondo Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2018 signing in the Oval Office is the White House!

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  15. Thank you, Bloomberg, for the interview to discuss issues and priorities today!

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  16. It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas in my office! Do you like our American flag inspired Christmas tree?

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  17. ICYMI: Rogers on INF Treaty...

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  18. Congrats to 's Sid Phelps!

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  19. A from a game earlier this season! Beth and I are proud alums and ready to cheer on the Gamecocks today!

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  20. Sending heartfelt prayers to the Bush family this morning after the passing of President George H.W. Bush. The world lost a great man today who will be remembered for a lifetime of service.

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