Sherrod BrownOverený účet


Office of United States Senator Sherrod Brown. Proud to serve Ohio. Tweets from Sherrod signed -SB.

Na Twitteri od: jún 2009


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  1. 29. 12.

    No mother-to-be should go without the care she needs. This bill will allow us to target maternity care resources where they’re most needed, and help ensure healthier pregnancies, healthier mothers, and healthier babies. -SB

  2. 28. 12.

    Healthcare is under attack again following a Texas court case. Here’s what you need to know as we fight back.

  3. 27. 12.

    We have a lot of work ahead of us in the new year. Proud to work with to deliver for Ohio.

  4. 27. 12.

    Last week, President Trump signed the bipartisan Farm Bill into law. Proud that this bipartisan bill will provide Ohio farmers with the certainty they deserve.

  5. 26. 12.

    We must do more to protect Ohioans from the most heinous of crimes and to provide justice, restitution, and healing for trafficking survivors – and this bill is an important step.

  6. 25. 12.

    Wishing a very Merry Christmas to all those celebrating today. And to our servicemembers celebrating at home or overseas – thank you for your service.

  7. 24. 12.

    Looking for a road trip soundtrack or in-flight entertainment this holiday season? Why not catch up on this year’s episodes of Canarycast?

  8. 22. 12.

    We will continue pushing GM to do the right thing, provide answers to its workers, and bring another vehicle to Lordstown to ensure workers keep their jobs.

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  9. 22. 12.

    While and I asked GM to provide clarity to the Lordstown community, the company chose to sidestep our questions instead. As we head into the holiday season, workers at Lordstown are faced with fear and uncertainty about their futures. They deserve better.

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  10. 21. 12.

    Everyone should read Secretary Mattis’ letter and be alarmed

  11. 21. 12.

    Spent this morning with scientists at , who work hard every day to develop science and technology for our country. They’re just a few of the thousands of Ohioans who would be hurt by President Trump’s temper tantrum-fueled shutdown.

  12. 21. 12.

    POTUS says he wants border security yet he’s forcing border agents to work without pay over the holidays, he’s harming farmers who need FSA offices & food banks that rely on USDA over the holidays, & he’s hurting working Americans who expect elected leaders to do their jobs. -SB

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  13. 21. 12.

    While the Senate did its job and unanimously passed a bill to keep the government open, President Trump instead chose to throw a temper tantrum.

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  14. Retweetol používateľ
    20. 12.
  15. 20. 12.

    On his 50 years of federal service, James said it was “a pleasure to come to work and enjoy working with people that I like.” That joy is an essential part of the dignity of work. Congratulations to James on this milestone.

  16. 20. 12.

    If President Trump really wants to save taxpayer money, he should roll back the giveaways to Wall Street and millionaires in his tax law. -SB

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  17. 20. 12.

    It’s despicable that President Trump would pull the rug out from under hungry Americans right before the holidays – even after Congress made clear in the Farm Bill that these families shouldn’t be forced to jump through additional bureaucratic hoops to put food on the table.

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  18. 20. 12.

    And while Mr. Rudy let us know that my shoes were ultimately not worth As for everyone, they did at least guarantee Schuler’s donuts for the class. Paige, thanks for writing me – happy holidays! -SB

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  19. 20. 12.

    Matthew Rudy, a teacher at , posed an...interesting challenge to his AP Government class this year: if he saw me wear a pair of UGG boots, he’d give everyone an A for the quarter. When his student Paige wrote in and asked if I’d oblige, I had to respond.

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  20. 20. 12.

    Terrible news. As we learn more, our thoughts go out to this officer’s loved ones.


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