
Hai bloccato @RepDebDingell

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  1. Tweet fissato
    18 dic

    Action on can't wait and the Trump Administration has set us back decades. We need bold ideas. Excited to discuss a Green New Deal and looking forward to working on to pass meaningful climate legislation.

  2. 25 dic

    Merry Christmas and happy holidays to everyone celebrating! John and I send best wishes for a joyful day spent with loved ones.

  3. 22 dic

    The American people expect their government to work for them and listen. It’s the holiday season, we should be showing America our better selves not driving the nation into a pointless shutdown.

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  4. 22 dic

    A government shutdown is unacceptable. It’s a lack of leadership from President Trump and Republican Congressional Leaders.

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  5. ha ritwittato
    21 dic

    'A very sad day': Democrat blasts Republican leadership ahead of a potential partial government shutdown |

  6. ha ritwittato
    21 dic

    Tune in at 1PM EST- will be filling in this Friday on : Col. David Hunt Ken Starr : x

  7. 21 dic

    A wall is a symbol of division and hatred. We can all agree we need to keep our nation secure, but we must look at innovative technologies and border security — not a wall.

  8. ha ritwittato
    20 dic

    2 out of 3 older adults living in are . A new Special Report sheds light on causes and solutions to support older women as they age.

    photo of an older woman with the text: Women spend their lives caring for others. They shouldn't have to age in poverty. We can strengthen the system we have now to better support women as they age.
  9. 20 dic

    It’s the most wonderful time of the year There is more that unites us Than which divides us When we hold others dear It’s the most blunderful time Yes, the most maddening time But the most wonderful time Of the year

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  10. 20 dic

    There’s a new Speaker hosting The Blue Wave is growing And some decency back in DC There’ll be compromise needed And working together To get the bipartisanship of long, long agooooo

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  11. 20 dic

    It’s the most ridiculous time, of the year There’ll be many late-night meetings And covfefe flowing When Individual 1’s shutdown draws near It’s the most ridiculous time of the year

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  12. 20 dic

    There’ll be tax cuts not working Healthcare for fixing And potholes still covered in snow There’ll be scary false stories And tales of the glories of Infrastructure bills of long, long ago

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  13. 20 dic

    It’s the mad-maddest season of all With 4am tweeting and oval office meetings And not getting his wallll It’s the mad-maddest season of all

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  14. 20 dic

    It’s the most blunderful time of year With the President yelling And surrogates saying… it’s fine do not fear it will be different next yearrrr there’s nothing to fearrrr It’s the most blunderful time of the year

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  15. 20 dic

    Upholding and my favorite holiday tradition, here is the 2018 set to the tune of "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year."

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  16. 19 dic

    We cannot grow numb to Facebook’s continued violations of user’s privacy. This report is another signal that Congress must enact legislation to protect Americans’ sensitive information.

  17. 19 dic

    Banning bump stocks is a meaningful first step to keeping our communities safe. Let’s continue working together to pass commonsense gun safety laws and save lives.

  18. ha ritwittato
    19 dic

    Grateful to for bringing us together & to all the officials that answered questions & shared updates on PFAS with community members. This is the first of many public conversations & when Congress returns in January I’ll introduce new legislation to address the PFAS crisis.

  19. 19 dic

    Grateful to for bringing us together & to all the officials that answered questions & shared updates on PFAS with community members. This is the first of many public conversations & when Congress returns in January I’ll introduce new legislation to address the PFAS crisis.

  20. 19 dic

    Today’s MDEQ report highlights the need for EPA to set one national protective standard for the entire class of PFAS chemicals.

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  21. 19 dic

    Many in our community have questions about PFAS and its presence in our waters. Michigan has been hit hard, and this chemical is a threat to human health and our environment wherever it is found, whether in drinking water, air, food, or consumer products.

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