G. K. Butterfield已認證帳戶


U. S. Representative, proudly serving North Carolina's 1st Congressional District. Follow my work in Washington and .



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  1. Happy New Year! Wishing you a year full of joy, success, and good tidings!

  2. Saddened by the passing of Rev. Dr. Vernon C. Tyson, whose fight for social justice in North Carolina will be remembered for generations to come.

  3. 還原
  4. This is irresponsible and harmful to the American people. When Democrats take control of the House in January, we will work to ensure the Trump Administration and Republicans do not hold the budget process hostage.

  5. The partial government shutdown is about to hit the one-week mark. Instead of ensuring a government that works for American families, means: ➡️25% of federal government shut down. ➡️380,000 workers sent home without pay. ➡️420,000 workers on the job without pay.

  6. Merry Christmas one and all! May this season bring you blessings of joy and peace for the New Year ahead!

  7. Wishing you and your's a Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday! May you go out with joy and be led forth in peace. -GKB

  8. President Trump & GOP: We need border security. Also President Trump & GOP: Shutdown agencies important to our national security including the Department of Homeland Security. 🤔

  9. 還原
  10. THIRD GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN IN A YEAR. Republicans control the White House. They control the Senate. They control the House (for now). Once again, Republicans have shown they are unable to govern.

  11. Looks like President Trump is getting what he wanted- a .

  12. President Trump and the lame duck Republican Congress bring the country to the brink of yet another government shutdown over a wasteful border wall. This is no way to govern.

  13. 已轉推

    When did you decide billionaires deserve tax breaks over the middle class and that health care was a privilege?

  14. 已轉推

    First District Democrat Congressman G.K. Butterfield has been appointed to serve as Chief Deputy Whip for the 116th Congress that begins next month.

  15. 已轉推

    U.S. Rep G.K. Butterfield is tapped for leadership role in 2019 Congress. He will serve as chief deputy whip for the 116th Congress when it convenes in January.

  16. This is a critical moment in our nation's history. I am excited to help lead my colleagues as Chief Deputy Whip for the 116th Congress as we serve the American people and legislate in a responsible and efficient manner.

  17. This was a carefully orchestrated effort by Russian actors to exploit social media platforms in order to suppress turnout among black voters. We cannot allow the deceit and misinformation that characterized the 2016 elections to be repeated in the future.

  18. My statement with Chair & my co-chair on the Senate report confirming Russia used social media to suppress the black vote in the 2016 presidential election:

  19. 已轉推

    Read the statement below from CBC Chair & co-chairs & on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence report confirming Russia used social media to suppress black voters & support .

  20. The remains the law of the land, which means the disgraceful ruling over the weekend does not impact your current coverage or 2019 plan. Without the ACA, hundreds of thousands in NC could lose their care. I will fight this decision and GOP attacks on the ACA.



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