Senator Mazie HironoCont verificat


U.S. Senator Mazie K. Hirono - Proudly Serving the People of Hawaii

S-a alăturat în noiembrie 2009


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  1. 30 dec.

    Obviously nothing is too low or cruel for you. A collective New Year’s wish: For the sake of our country, you can stop now.

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  2. 28 dec.

    More than 2,500 federal workers in Hawaii are either furloughed or working without pay during the . As long as Donald Trump refuses to re-open the government, I will be donating my salary to Hawaii’s food banks – who serve nearly 1 in 8 Hawaii residents in need.

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  3. 27 dec.

    . shut down the government over his fake vanity wall. But thousands of federal workers are paying real consequences over this holiday season. It's time to end the & get these men and women back to work.

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  4. a redistribuit
    24 dec.

    ICE locked up 15 year-old Cristy and her mother in family detention six months ago. Detention has taken a terrible toll on Cristy, who is a survivor of serious, violent crimes. She is losing hope, quickly

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  5. 22 dec.

    Donald Trump needs to face the reality that he won’t get $5 billion for his wall and accept responsibility for keeping the government running.

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  6. 22 dec.

    But at the 11th hour, Donald Trump succumbed to pressure from his far right-wing base and chose to shut down the government for a $5 billion down payment on his vanity wall. This shutdown is totally unfair, completely unnecessary, and entirely the President’s fault.

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  7. 22 dec.

    Two nights ago, the Senate did its job by passing a bill to keep the government open with the expectation that the House would pass it and that the President would sign it into law.

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  8. 21 dec.

    These last two days have felt like we've been on a roller coaster with at the controls. The Senate did the responsible thing by keeping government running—only to have President Trump get all worked up by some right-wing loud people yelling at him on Fox News.

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  9. a redistribuit
    18 dec.

    US Sen. Mazie Hirono discusses potential government shutdown, recent visit to Texas border

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  10. a redistribuit
    15 dec.

    I’m at w ⁦⁦⁩ ⁦⁩ ⁦⁩ ⁦⁩. We must — this is a child prison. Children, no matter where they’re from, should not be treated this way.

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  11. a redistribuit
    15 dec.

    I just left the tent city at Tornillo. It is a child prison camp. They refused our request to speak with the children who are held there.

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  12. 15 dec.

    The Trump administration is stripping away the humanity of immigrant families. Immigrants are human beings who want to have a chance at a better life, and we should give them that chance.

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  13. 15 dec.

    I asked Patricia what she hoped life in the US would hold for her and her daughter. She just smiled, and that said everything. Remember Patricia and her smile. This administration will continue its cruel and inhumane treatment of these families, and we have to fight back.

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  14. 15 dec.

    At the end of our visit to Dilley, we were able to speak with Patricia, who has been here with her daughter for six months—much longer than DHS is legally allowed to detain minors. They crossed the border fleeing gang violence in Honduras.

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  15. 15 dec.

    Yesterday, we visited two family detention centers in Texas—Dilley and Karnes. DHS watched us closely throughout our tour, but what we were able to see was disturbing. They are herding families who are fleeing unspeakable violence into these internment camps.

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  16. 15 dec.

    Appeals are certain to follow. In the mean time, everyone can and should still visit to sign up for 2019 coverage before tomorrow's open enrollment deadline. The fight continues.

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  17. 15 dec.

    Through Texas lawsuit, Republicans took a giant step toward achieving their longstanding goal of eliminating health care for millions of Americans, especially those with preexisting conditions. Millions of Americans are counting on us.

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  18. 14 dec.

    Immigrant families, especially children, deserve compassion, not fear and suffering. I know because I came to this country when I was seven. That's why I'm in Texas this weekend to conduct oversight over the treatment of detained immigrant children & families at the border.

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  19. 14 dec.

    There's just one day left to by signing up for health insurance at . Take it from me—we're all one diagnosis away from a major illness & health insurance could help you afford care the will save your life.

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  20. 12 dec.

    The authors of the Hawaii & U.S.-Affiliated Pacific Islands Chapter of the National Climate Assessment laid out a devastating outlook for our state if we don't lead on mitigating climate change. Here's what they want you to know. Read the report at:

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