On October 1, the federal government will shut down if we cannot agree to a funding bill. We want to negotiate with Republicans, but so far, there's been no willingness on their part to sit down with us. The Republicans want to add "riders" to government funding legislation, such as defunding Planned Parenthood. There are a whole host of other "riders" that they are insisting on, which could also lead to a shutdown. I want you to be aware of what the stakes are in this upcoming fight:
Republican Senate Doesn't Work
Reid: McConnell Acting As Trump’s Trumpet

A statement from the family of Senator Reid:

“Today, Former Democratic Leader Harry Reid underwent surgery at Johns Hopkins Cancer Center to remove a tumor from his pancreas. His doctors caught the problem early during a routine screening and his surgeons are confident that the surgery was a success and that the prognosis for his recovery is good. He will undergo chemotherapy as the next step in his treatment. He is now out of surgery, in good spirits and resting with his family. He is grateful to his highly skilled team of doctors and to all who have sent and continue to send their love and support.”

My dear friend Tim Mitchell was an institution. As a trusted aide in the United States Senate, he -- and his sidekick Gary Myrick -- was as essential to me as one of my fellow Senate colleagues. He helped make the Senate function appropriately, and he was integral in helping us pass many pieces of legislation. He was fair and was never pushed around. I will always remember all the good he did for me and the country.

Tim accomplished very much, but I know the role he most care...d about in life was to be a good father and husband.

I talked to Alicia and expressed my commitment and love for Tim. I expressed to her that the beginning of baseball season will not be the same without him. That was our bond -- every day, we talked about baseball.

I know Alicia and Ben will always remember the goodness of Tim Mitchell. And I will forever be grateful that Tim was part of my life.

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