Rep. Ted DeutchTài khoản được xác nhận


Ranking Member of Ethics Committee. Member of Foreign Affairs & Judiciary. Proudly serving Broward & Palm Beach Counties. Vegan.

Florida, USA
Đã tham gia tháng 4 năm 2010


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  1. The President owes Congress and the American people an explanation on how withdrawing from the fight against ISIS now will make the US & allies safer. This decision goes against the advice of natl security & military experts & abandons our allies.

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  2. VA says it Will stop arbitrarily cutting off payments to caregivers of disabled veterans. That’s good news. The bad news is that VA cannot explain why this was happening in the first place. Shameful.

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  3. The system to stop folks from getting guns that shouldn’t have them needs improvement. Research shows that when people lie on forms to get guns they are more likely to commit gun crimes. This demands action. In the new Congress this will be a top priority.

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    Never imagined that the murder of my daughter and 16 others would be a top news story. This is the worst news story of the year. My gun safety work is so that no family or community will ever be the Top News Story of the year for this reason again.

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  5. It is incredibly sad that if a kid in America today refuses to accept gun violence in their schools as normal, then they must face targeted threats against them and their family at home. Continue to be so proud of these students and amazed at their bravery.

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  6. President Trump intentionally mischaracterized Sec Mattis resignation as “retiring w/ distinction.” It’s clear Mattis quit bc of Trump’s dangerous decision on Syria. Americans should be able to expect the president to tell the truth. Again & again this president lets them down.

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  7. Trump griped about Sessions’ recusal & plucked an inexperienced, unqualified partisan who antagonized Mueller as Acting AG outside DOJ succession. He wanted loyalty over rule of law. Looks like he got it.

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  8. đã Tweet lại

    50,000 Syrian refugees have been living under the protection of U.S. military forces for three years. They just found out they have been abandoned.

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  9. Sec Mattis’ resignation letter cited his belief in partnerships, treating allies with respect, and standing resolute against malign actors - all core tenets of US foreign policy for decades and all sorely lacking in Trump’s policies.

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  10. đã Tweet lại

    Great way to recruit highly-qualified people to serve in gvt rather than higher pay in private sector. Not only will u make less, boys & girls, but your paychecks will always be subject to kamikaze political stunts in order to avoid attacks from Rush & Hannity. Awesome.

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  11. đã Tweet lại

    Trump campaign coordination with the NRA, super PACs & dark money groups in 2016 is subject of an FEC complaint & investigation into potential Russian funding. Now, has evidence that this coordination is STILL HAPPENING in Trump’s 2020 campaign.

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  12. America’s criminal justice system is in desperate need of repair. We just passed the bipartisan First Step Act to begin to ensure a justice system that is fair for all Americans.

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  13. Dear George, Remember, no man is a failure who has friends. Thanks for the wings! Love, Clarence

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  14. A combat veteran like understands better than most why the same semiautomatics that our military uses should not also be readily available in our communities.

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  15. Trump campaign coordination with the NRA, super PACs & dark money groups in 2016 is subject of an FEC complaint & investigation into potential Russian funding. Now, has evidence that this coordination is STILL HAPPENING in Trump’s 2020 campaign.

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  16. Does the U.S. withdrawal mean Iran and its proxies already left Syria? Because the administration said “we’re not going to leave as long as Iranian troops are outside Iranian borders.”

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  17. I’m in awe of the strength of the MSD families. Thank you for working so hard to protect American families from school violence.

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  18. One of the DeVos Commission on School Safety recommendations is adoption of extreme risk protection order laws. I introduced the Jake Laird Act to help states keep guns out of dangerous hands. It’s bipartisan. It’s working in FL, IN & 11 other states. It could save lives.

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  19. Glad to see GA finally taking Iran’s human rights violations seriously. The int'l community must do more to condemn Iran's arbitrary detention and hostage taking of foreign nationals. & others must be returned to their families now.

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  20. Because Sally Yates warned WH counsel the day BEFORE? Because Comey didn’t know Trump’s level of involvement? Because Comey didn’t want to become a tool for a cover up? Because the FBI has a tradition of independence & upholding the rule of law?

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