Senator Bob MenendezVerifizierter Account


U.S. Senator from New Jersey fighting for healthcare, consumers, immigration reform/, democracy, and diplomacy. Proud to work w/ .

Beigetreten Januar 2009
Geboren 01. Januar


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  1. Some of New Jersey’s national park sites, like Washington’s Headquarters in Morristown, have been closed to holiday visitors due to the shutdown. NJ’s partially open parks, with limited access to staff and emergency services, pose a safety risk.

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    vor 14 Stunden

    Buying a house and need flood insurance? You’re out of luck, thanks to the shutdown.

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  3. Trump Admin officials admit our border system is outdated and ill-equipped for the current stream of migrants. Agreed—but it shouldn’t take two deaths to realize we need to fix it. needs to stop playing the blame game and instead institute major reforms to our system.

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    President Trump said he would be ‘proud’ to shut down the government over his senseless & wasteful border wall—but real people & families are being hurt including low-wage workers who likely won’t get back pay. Trump must end his now.

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    No end in sight to the President’s government shutdown. He’s taken our government hostage over his outrageous demand for a $5 billion border wall that would be both wasteful and ineffective.

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  6. From family separation and children in cages to tragic deaths, the Trump Administration has time and again failed to efficiently address crises at the border. We need answers about the death of Felipe Alónzo-Gomez, NOT a over an ineffective wall.

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  7. In the Senate, we passed legislation to guarantee federal employees furloughed during the are paid. I urge President Trump and my Republican colleagues in the House to follow suit.

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  8. Once again, our “stable genius” President is spewing lies. US federal employees serve the United States—not one party. Guaranteeing that our dedicated government workers have financial security should not be a partisan issue.

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  9. Day 6 of : I’ve been reading from Americans around the country. Coast Guard, TSA, federal law enforcement officers under DOJ, & hundreds of thousands of others are working without pay. Many live paycheck to paycheck—and missing one causes real harm.

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  10. hat retweetet
    26. Dez.

    "I am writing to voice my strong concern about the recent deaths and illnesses of children detained in Border Patrol custody, and to request a full accounting and a revised protocol to prevent such tragedies from occurring in the future."

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  11. Day 5 of : President Trump keeps holding the federal government hostage in hopes of extracting billions of taxpayer dollars from Congress for a preposterous border wall that he promised Mexico would pay for.

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  12. hat retweetet
    26. Dez.

    Shutdown spirit: Holiday visitors to nation's capital found bathrooms locked, tree lights dark.

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  13. CBP is now conducting secondary medical checks and looking for medical help from , , etc—but we can’t wait for another tragedy to happen. The Trump Admin and Border Patrol need to make serious changes and deliver a full report on what went wrong.

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  14. It hasn’t even been 3 weeks and 2 children have died in custody at the border. Keeping the family of Felipe Alónzo-Gomez in my prayers.

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  15. hat retweetet
    26. Dez.

    More journalists were killed, abused and subjected to violence in 2018 than in any other year on record, with those in the profession facing an "unprecedented level of hostility," a new report has found

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  16. Happy first day of to all who celebrate in New Jersey and around the globe!

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  17. My thoughts are with our service members who aren’t able to be with their loved ones this Christmas. Thank you for your dedication and service to our great nation. and Happy Holidays.🎄

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  18. It might not be a White Christmas in New Jersey this year, but I’m still in the holiday spirit! Wishing a to everyone today—filled with food, fun, family, and friends.

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  19. This Christmas Eve, I’m thinking of the hundreds of thousands of federal employees at risk of losing their paychecks due to the .

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  20. Wow. Days after Sec. Mattis, another top diplomat resigns in protest of Trump’s erratic decision-making that threatens US interests and Americans’ security. We need strong diplomatic and military leadership to executive a clear strategy to protect US interests in the region.

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