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  1. It has been one week since President Trump decided to shut down the government over his demand for a $5 billion border wall. Federal employees continue to go without pay because of the President’s temper tantrum over a wasteful and ineffective wall.

  2. 28. 12.

    Just went through TSA at STL Lambert. These professionals continue to do their job, without pay, in good spirits with many passengers thanking them. How can anyone be “proud” of a shutdown that hurts so many innocent people?

  3. 28. 12.

    President Trump has taken hundreds of thousands of federal employees' pay hostage in a last ditch effort to fulfill a campaign promise. Building a wall from sea to shining sea won't make us safer or stop drugs from coming into our country.

  4. 28. 12.

    The Caregivers program has helped countless veterans & those who take care of them. It’s why I’ve urged the VA not decrease access to it & I’ll be outspoken when I feel our veterans are getting pushed aside like this. They deserve better.

  5. 28. 12.

    Enough. The deaths of eight-year-old Felipe and seven-year-old Jackelin a few weeks apart are evidence that Trump’s “get tough” border policies are dangerous, especially to small children. In the name of our caring nation, Secretary Nielsen must go.

  6. 27. 12.

    No end in sight to the President’s government shutdown. He’s taken our government hostage over his outrageous demand for a $5 billion border wall that would be both wasteful and ineffective.

  7. 26. 12.

    Illinois businesses and residents affected by severe storms and tornadoes on Dec. 1, 2018, can now apply for low-interest disaster loans from the Small Business Administration. More information here:

  8. 26. 12.

    President Trump’s senseless government shutdown continues. Hundreds of thousands of federal employees remain without pay - during the holidays - because of his reckless demand for a medieval border wall. This will end when the President and Republicans want it to.

  9. 26. 12.

    As Christians celebrated the birth of Jesus, another migrant child was dying on DHS Secretary Nielsen’s watch. She should resign immediately.

  10. 25. 12.

    Wishing a merry Christmas to my fellow Illinoisans, American families across the country, and service members who are serving abroad.

  11. 24. 12.

    America owes Defense Secretary Jim Mattis a thank you for a lifetime of service. The President’s decision to oust him January 1 only serves to remind us that Mattis-brand of integrity is not welcome in this Administration.

  12. 23. 12.

    Real border security is more screening technology and personnel at our border, not some medieval wall.

  13. 23. 12.

    The President likes to say this shutdown is about border security, but it’s really about his own political insecurity.

  14. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    23. 12.

    COMING UP: , and join on Meet the Press in exclusive interviews.

  15. 22. 12.

    More than 400,000 federal employees will have to report to work without pay while President Trump continues his senseless government shutdown. Trying to gouge $5 billion for his medieval wall is taking priority over the paychecks of hardworking Americans.

  16. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    22. 12.

    The youth pay their respects along the funeral route this morning as we make our way to St Rita Cascia Chapel for the funeral services of Fallen Officer Eduardo Marmolejo.

  17. 22. 12.

    At midnight, President Trump decided to shut down the government over his demand for a medieval border wall. Hundreds of thousands of federal employees - more than 8,000 in Illinois - will go without a paycheck over the holidays. This is senseless and cruel.

  18. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    21. 12.

    Very touching outpouring of community support as the procession for Police Officer Conrad Gary makes its way to St. Rita of Cascia Shrine Chapel for the funeral mass.

  19. 21. 12.

    If President Trump chooses to shut the government down – hundreds of thousands of federal employees will be furloughed and without pay during the holidays. People who protect our border would be forced to work without pay.

  20. 21. 12.

    Instead President Trump is threatening to shut down the government if he doesn’t get nearly $6 billion for a wasteful & ineffective border wall. We need modern technology to stop drug cartels from importing the poison that is killing our kids, not a medieval solution like a wall.

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