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  2. 2 minutes ago
  3. 2 hours ago

    Quietly Watch this video one time. Pause. Then think of your child or spouse or parent. Then try to repeat it out loud as if it were your family member gone. For just one second... then ask what you can do to keep the next person from having to go through this.

  4. 15 hours ago
    Replying to

    We need common sense gun laws now.

  5. 2 hours ago
    Replying to

    You guys have done an amazing job and a service to our nation! Congratulations

  6. 7 minutes ago

    Easy answer: YES. But we must first start with banning assault rifles and enactment of strict background checks. It should be harder to get a gun than it is to get a driver's license.

  7. 3 hours ago
    Replying to

    For the millionth time, it’s not “Congress” that is preventing sensible gun regulation, it’s REPUBLICANS in the U.S. Congress (the Senate R’s) & in ALL State and local legislatures. Please don’t obfuscate. Cf.

  8. 13 hours ago
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    Very sad. It is very important that the new Congress pass strict gun control laws at the federal level.

  9. 14 minutes ago

    These shooting wouldn’t still be happening if us young people were able to vote. We need change now.

  10. 3 hours ago

    Gun violence has grown so rampant in this nation that if you survive one mass shooting, you could still die in another. That's exactly what happened to Telemachus Orfanos. Chew on that for a bit. Then tell me we don't have a problem.

  11. Nov 7

    Me: I feel bad for the Parkland kids. They worked so hard. My husband (who spent weeks canvassing for Spanberger): Yeah, but I'm pretty sure they're in it for the long haul. I know y'all are. Keep it up.

  12. What happened in Thousand Oaks California sickness me we live in a world full of hate. Displeasure and uncomfort we can’t even enjoy the simple things in life without having a sick gunman walk into a club an kill people

  13. Nov 7
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    Thank you for setting the best example of hope for the Parkland students and the students everywhere and my two sons. You both are amazing. We hope to see you sometime at one of our MD Anderson checkups. Can’t wait to see what you do in the future. 2020?

  14. 13 hours ago
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    One real positive from Tuesday's election is the the kids targeted 27 NRA-sponsored Congressmen who LOST their seats! There are more to go but it's a pretty good start.

  15. 6 hours ago

    Another day, another mass shooting as our so-called leadership sits on the sidelines citing 2nd amendment rights. Let’s call a pig a pig. This is a .

  16. 5 hours ago

    This has been the 304th shooting of 2018. That is almost 1 mass shooting per day. 12 lives were lost at Thousand Oaks bar in Southern California. With every life lost the time for change grows, and that time is now.

  17. Replying to

    I cant believe this when will violence like this end. She didnt deserve this no did.

  18. 22 minutes ago

    what the fuck is wrong with America. How has nothing been done STILL.

  19. 31 minutes ago

    Supporting gun control is not favoring safety, it is the notion that you are too unimportant to defend yourself, unlike your omnipotent statesmen.

  20. 7 hours ago
  21. 8 hours ago

    ANOTHER WAY: elect pro gun-sense candidates, make sure that candidates you vote for take pledge and discuss how US in only country in world with this many mass shootings. FACT.

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