Congressman Tom RiceTài khoản được xác nhận


Former CPA and tax lawyer. Proudly representing South Carolina's 7th Congressional District. Find me on FB at .

Đã tham gia tháng 1 năm 2013


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    These employees just got bonuses because of the ! Great to see in action!

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  2. From my family to yours, !

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  3. Democrats have said time and again that they are for “border security.” They should prove it by supporting a bill that will help secure our border, provide critical disaster relief funding, and keep our government open.

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  4. The border wall will help stop the flow of illegal immigration that is hurting the economy & endangering communities across the country. This funding bill reflects the priorities of not only , but the entire country.

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  5. Securing our border is a matter of national security and a matter of life and death in the Seventh District. Law enforcement officers have attributed the 150 opioid overdoses in our district last year to drugs coming across our porous borders.

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  6. Many of my constituents are still recovering from Hurricane Florence and this funding is critical to helping the Seventh District rebuild. I will continue to assess the unmet needs of our district and ensure we have the resources for a complete recovery.

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  7. The House just advanced a spending bill that includes $7.8 billion for disaster relief and $5.7 billion to secure our border.

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  8. Democrats claim to support border security, but it's just not true. Illegal immigration hurts our economy and the drugs flowing across our porous border are endangering communities across the country. Enough is enough.

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  9. Hiện chuỗi hội thoại này
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  10. The House just passed a tax package that will build on the economic momentum that is creating new opportunities and lifting people up in & across the country. It includes three of my bills that provide relief for disaster victims and modernize technology at the IRS.

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  11. Hoàn tác
  12. In between votes today, I joined fellow South Carolina members for lunch. We celebrated another year of serving South Carolina and thanked Mr. Sanford before his final votes in the House. Proud to serve with them!

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  13. Part of living in South Carolina is preparing for natural disasters. We need to find innovative solutions to mitigate flood impacts and that is exactly what this commission will do.

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  14. Grateful to have served with and wish him all the best in his new chapter!

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  15. Great choice! South Carolina continues to punch above our weight in Washington. I know will do a great job advancing President Trump’s agenda!

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  16. As a member of it’s part of my job to ensure the IRS is effectively serving taxpayers. This week, I had a productive meeting with IRS Commissioner Rettig to discuss ways to return the agency to their taxpayer first mission!

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  18. I am so proud of what has accomplished this year and look forward to continuing our work on behalf of the American people. Happy Holidays!

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  19. The Farm Bill is a critical component of disaster recovery and will provide stability as our farmers continue to work, grow, and produce despite tough circumstance and unforeseen challenges.

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  20. farmers have dealt with more than their fair share of devastation, having to overcome 3 hurricanes in the last 4 years. After Florence, I joined farmers in our district to survey crop damage & saw first-hand the additional challenges they face after a catastrophic event.

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  21. Great news for South Carolina farmers, the is on the way to ’s desk! This legislation strengthens the farm safety net by expanding crop insurance, providing certainty for producers in the face of dropping farm income & natural disasters.

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