Senator John CornynAkun terverifikasi


Personally curated news I find interesting, pics, and opinions. Honored to represent the great state of Texas in the US Senate. RTs =/= endorsements

Austin, Texas
Bergabung Februari 2008


Anda memblokir @JohnCornyn

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  1. 6 jam yang lalu

    So what is their brilliant strategy to get 60 votes in Senate and POTUS signature/veto override?Dems’ New Year’s resolution: Stiff Trump on the wall and reopen the government

  2. 7 jam yang lalu

    Inside Facebook’s Secret Rulebook for Global Political Speech

  3. me-Retweet

    Richard Overton, the oldest-living veteran, was born on May 11, 1906, the same year as the first wireless radio broadcast, and a year before Oklahoma became a state. He died Thursday at the age of 112.

  4. me-Retweet
    19 jam yang lalu

    We’re in Tokyo at the second tallest building in the world. This window washer flashed a HookEm for us.

  5. Richard Overton: a life well lived.

  6. Richard Overton R.I.P.

  7. RIP: Richard Overton, once America's oldest living WWII veteran, dies at 112

  8. FBI: Record number of illegal immigrants tried to buy guns this year

  9. me-Retweet
    21 Des
  10. me-Retweet
    26 Des
  11. 27 Des

    “Hatred plays the same part in Government as acids in chemistry.” Churchill, The World Crisis

  12. me-Retweet
    27 Des

    Who is really being attacked when you launch blanket attack on ALL clubs and associations, most of which are benign, beneficial? Tocqueville's America. Alexis, call your office.

  13. 27 Des

    Gonna be interesting! 45 Democrats jostling to challenge Trump in 2020

  14. 27 Des
  15. 27 Des
  16. 27 Des

    So where is the sense of urgency now? In 2014, President Obama called the flood of migrants, including unaccompanied children and family units, crossing our border an "urgent humanitarian situation."

  17. me-Retweet
    27 Des

    President and meet with Air Force Generals at Ramstein Air Base aboard AF1.

  18. 27 Des

    Byron York: When Democrats embraced the 'Southern Border Fencing Strategy'

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    26 Des

    In 2009, Schumer touted the progress made in building border fencing, saying it was a “significant barrier to illegal immigration.” Now, Schumer has decided that he would rather shut the government down than support responsible border security funding.

  20. me-Retweet
    26 Des

    . Melania and I were honored to visit our incredible troops at Al Asad Air Base in Iraq. GOD BLESS THE U.S.A.!


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