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  1. 25. 12.

    On behalf of the Van Hollen family, Happy Holidays! We hope you’ll find time to rest, reflect, and rejuvenate as we head into 2019. And for those of you who cannot be with your families—including many of our troops—we express our gratitude and wish you a safe holiday season.

  2. 23. 12.

    President Trump clearly is not only allergic to the truth, but has fits when other people stand up to him to tell the truth—like Jim Mattis and Bob Corker. Scary times for the country when the president hates the truth.

  3. 23. 12.

    The Trump Tax Plan—signed one year ago—did nothing to boost workers’ real wages. The promised $4,000 pay hikes never materialized. And now, a year later, Trump is furloughing more than 380,000 federal employees right before the holidays. This is Trump World.

  4. 22. 12.

    President Trump kowtowed to Putin. Now he's taking orders from Erdogan to withdraw our forces from Syria so Turkey can attack the Kurds—our key ally in the fight against ISIS. While Trump shuts down the government, he has undermined our national security once again.

  5. 22. 12.

    The government just shut down because the President threw a temper tantrum to satisfy conservative talking heads, and Republicans let him get away with it. This is not normal and will hurt both our government and our economy. Congressional Republicans need to stop this madness.

  6. 22. 12.

    The government shuts down at midnight. I gave an update to on the latest in our fight to keep the government open and ensure that federal employees are not punished for political dysfunction they had nothing to do with!

  7. 22. 12.

    Just got back. The Senate has passed our bill to make sure our federal workforce will still get paid if there's a shutdown. The House should pass it immediately. But there doesn’t need to shutdown. President Trump and Republicans must put politics aside and fund our government.

  8. 21. 12.

    On the Senate floor with to ask McConnell to bring our bill to guarantee back pay for furloughed federal workers to a vote. Federal workers deserve to know that if the Trump Shutdown happens they won’t be punished.

  9. 21. 12.

    President Trump said he would be “proud” to shut down the government. Now, as always, he wants to duck responsibility. He'll sow chaos across the country—all because he couldn’t keep his promise that Mexico—not taxpayers—would pay for his stupid wall. I'm coming back to vote NO.

  10. Retweetol používateľ
    20. 12.

    Paul Ryan should be ashamed that in his final act as Speaker he has again become a pawn of President Trump. Why not allow a vote on a bipartisan Senate bill and let democracy work in the House? Why do the President’s bidding? This is a cowardly way to govern.

  11. Retweetol používateľ
    20. 12.
  12. 20. 12.

    Paul Ryan should be ashamed that in his final act as Speaker he has again become a pawn of President Trump. Why not allow a vote on a bipartisan Senate bill and let democracy work in the House? Why do the President’s bidding? This is a cowardly way to govern.

  13. 20. 12.

    Mr. President, yesterday you said we had defeated ISIS. Today you say that Russia is unhappy because they will have to fight ISIS. The reality is Russia, Turkey, and others are happy you abandoned our key partners in the fight against ISIS, the Syrian Kurds. Weak.

  14. 20. 12.

    We had a bipartisan vote in the Senate to keep the government open. In his final days, Speaker Ryan must do the right thing and let democracy work its will. House Republicans should not be minions of Trump, scampering down to the White House. Pass the bill and stop the shutdown!

  15. 20. 12.

    Trump has refused to provide federal employees with a modest cost of living increase. That’s why I am still pushing to get a COLA passed before January 1st. If that is blocked, then it should be a priority for early next year. Civil servants aren't the President’s punching bag.

  16. 19. 12.

    It's been four years since I traveled to Cuba to bring home. Even after five years in a Cuban prison, he never lost hope and was a catalyst for opening a new chapter with Cuba. Now he is fighting back against Trump’s efforts to reverse the progress that was made.

  17. 19. 12.

    For all the cynicism about Congress being unable to accomplish anything, there was a little ray of light as we head into the New Year: the Senate took a positive step to reform our broken criminal justice system by passing the .

  18. Retweetol používateľ
    18. 12.

    . to Neil: This is not about whether we need border security, we need border security. It's about not wasting a lot of taxpayer money on something most people think is ineffective

  19. 18. 12.

    The Senate Intelligence Committee released a bipartisan report that shows that Russia waged a “propaganda war against American citizens” and tried to suppress African American voters to help elect Donald Trump. For a year, I have pushed to pass the DETER Act, Let's get it done.

  20. 18. 12.

    We are working hard to avoid a shutdown. This isn’t about border security—which we support on a bipartisan basis. This is about not wasting taxpayer dollars on an unnecessary wall. I hope Trump has finally realized what a mistake it would be for him to shut down the government.


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