
  1. 25 Des

    On behalf of the Van Hollen family, Happy Holidays! We hope you’ll find time to rest, reflect, and rejuvenate as we head into 2019. And for those of you who cannot be with your families—including many of our troops—we express our gratitude and wish you a safe holiday season.

  2. 23 Des

    The Trump Tax Plan—signed one year ago—did nothing to boost workers’ real wages. The promised $4,000 pay hikes never materialized. And now, a year later, Trump is furloughing more than 380,000 federal employees right before the holidays. This is Trump World.

  3. 22 Des

    The government shuts down at midnight. I gave an update to on the latest in our fight to keep the government open and ensure that federal employees are not punished for political dysfunction they had nothing to do with!

  4. 20 Des

    We had a bipartisan vote in the Senate to keep the government open. In his final days, Speaker Ryan must do the right thing and let democracy work its will. House Republicans should not be minions of Trump, scampering down to the White House. Pass the bill and stop the shutdown!

  5. 19 Des

    It's been four years since I traveled to Cuba to bring home. Even after five years in a Cuban prison, he never lost hope and was a catalyst for opening a new chapter with Cuba. Now he is fighting back against Trump’s efforts to reverse the progress that was made.

  6. 18 Des

    We are working hard to avoid a shutdown. This isn’t about border security—which we support on a bipartisan basis. This is about not wasting taxpayer dollars on an unnecessary wall. I hope Trump has finally realized what a mistake it would be for him to shut down the government.

  7. 18 Des

    Last year, I spoke to a crowd at about our battle to protect the Affordable Care Act. Since then, we've stopped multiple attempts by Republicans to dismantle our health care system. Now, with the ruling from Texas, we must again unite to fight back. RT if you’re in.

  8. 18 Des

    It's a good day for metro riders. We’re ending the inconvenient Grosvenor station turnaround. Now every Red Line train will go through to Shady Grove. This will help thousands of riders. Next, let’s end the Silver Spring turnaround so every train goes through to Glenmont.

  9. 18 Des

    Last week, I met with the terrific , students, and faculty at to learn more about innovative programs on campus, including the new opioid peer recovery training course in the Counseling Department and the cutting edge nursing simulation lab. Great visit!

  10. 14 Des

    There should be no reason why General Motors continues to use their profits to give billions to their executives and stockholders while laying off American workers.

  11. 14 Des

    The Trump Tax Plan created new incentives to offshore American jobs. Is General Motors affected by these new incentives? Will they eliminate future stock buybacks? In light of the recent layoffs announced by the company, we need to get to the bottom of this.

  12. 14 Des

    Open Enrollment ends December 15th. That means you only have a couple days left to sign up for health insurance. You can for as little as $50-$100 a month. Go to today!

  13. 13 Des

    Stock buybacks are now over $800B in 2018—enough to give more than $5,000 to every American payroll employee. Yet workers’ paychecks are barely keeping up. I raised this issue directly with SEC Chairman this week, who said he'd work with us on this issue. Let's keep up the fight.

  14. 13 Des

    We've always made bipartisan agreements on border security—but President Trump refuses anything but an ineffective and costly wall. He says he'd be “proud” to shut down the government if he doesn’t get taxpayers to foot the bill. Didn’t he tell us Mexico was going to pay for it?

  15. 13 Des

    Americans are sick of all the secret, dark money pouring into our elections. I stood with and on the vote to overturn 's policy that would have eliminated the donor information that certain groups have to provide. Now the House must act!

  16. 11 Des

    In June, a gunman opened fire at and murdered 5 Marylanders: Gerald Fischman, Rob Hiaasen, John McNamara, Wendi Winters, and Rebecca Smith. The staff still put out a newspaper the next day. And as would say—they have put out a damn paper every day since.

  17. 10 Des

    I’m introducing the Keep Our PACT Act to support our nation’s students. This bill will establish a fiscally-responsible path to fully fund IDEA and other federal education funding commitments. It’s time we kept our promises to all our students.

  18. 10 Des

    We are writing to about violations of human rights, the breakdown in the rule of law, and elections fraud in Cameroon. We must hold the Cameroonian government accountable for its abuses, including through targeted sanctions and conditions on security assistance.

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  19. 5 Des

    Today, we’ll sit down with General Motors Chairman and CEO Mary Barra. We plan to get answers as to why wants to shut down their White Marsh plant and ask them to reconsider. I stand with the hundreds of Marylanders who work there and will keep fighting for their jobs.

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  20. 4 Des

    There's not a lot of Space between them anymore! Congratulations to on finally reaching asteroid Bennu—now it will survey the land for a sample to bring back to Earth for further examination. Maryland’s own is once again a leader in scientific discovery.

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