Elijah E. CummingsTài khoản được xác nhận


U.S. Representative from Maryland's 7th District, dedicated to serving and empowering the people I’m sworn to represent. RT's and Follows are not endorsements.

Baltimore, MD
Đã tham gia tháng 8 năm 2012


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    We all should be able to agree that in the United States of America, we will not intentionally separate children from their parents. We will not do that. We are better than that! We are so much better!

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  2. I have heard the impassioned pleas from my constituents and people, especially young people, from around the country. That is why I support a Green New Deal. We must take truly bold action against climate change, for our youth and for generations yet unborn.

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  3. I applaud for forming a Select Committee on the Climate Crisis. This Committee must address climate change for what it is: a public health crisis, a matter of economic justice, and an existential threat. We must deliver real solutions, not piecemeal suggestions.

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  5. My thoughts and prayers are with Marlene's family and friends as they mourn her passing.

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  6. Marlene and Stewart joined me over 20 years ago in founding the Elijah Cummings Youth Program, which has strengthened the bonds between youth in Israel and African American children in the 7th Congressional District of Maryland.

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  7. Marlene dedicated her life not only to fighting cancer, but also to uplifting the young people in our community.

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  8. In 1996, Marlene and her husband Stewart donated a record $10 million to the University of Maryland’s cancer center, which is now named the University of Maryland Marlene and Stewart Greenebaum Comprehensive Cancer Center in their honor.

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  9. After a battle with cancer, Marlene dedicated herself to ensuring that everyone in Baltimore had access to cancer care regardless of their zip code or wealth.

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  10. I am saddened to learn of the passing of Marlene Greenebaum. Marlene was a devoted member of the Baltimore community who constantly and generously brought life to life.

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  11. I want to wish everyone a festive, happy, and healthy holiday season! During this week of celebration, I ask that we think of everything with which we have been blessed, and to consider those who are less fortunate. Season’s Greetings, and Happy New Year!

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  12. Our nation’s public servants working or furloughed during this shutdown deserve the peace of mind of knowing they will be paid. I am pleased to cosponsor and support bipartisan legislation in the House that ensures federal employees affected by a shutdown receive retroactive pay.

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  13. However, the President and Congressional Republicans decided to proceed with this shutdown because of the President's demand that taxpayers foot the bill for his border wall; the same wall the President promised the American people they would not have to pay to build.

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  14. This shutdown was completely avoidable, and Congressional Democrats offered multiple options to keep the government open.

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  15. At midnight, President Trump and Congressional Republicans forced the government to partially shut down. Because of this shutdown, over 800,000 federal employees will go without pay over the holiday season. Read my full statement:

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  17. The Trump administration’s proposal for stricter SNAP work requirements would hurt over 700,000 Americans. Congress already rejected harsher SNAP work requirements when we passed the . The Trump administration should not take food assistance away from those who need it.

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  18. The MERCY Act takes a strong step toward eliminating this barbaric practice, to ensure our youth have a chance to be rehabilitated and become contributing members of their communities.

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  19. I am pleased that my bill, The MERCY Act, was included in the final bill. Compounding incarceration with solitary confinement can break a young person’s spirit beyond repair, and it can have devastating long-term impacts on their mental and physical health.

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  20. Today, I voted in favor of the First Step Act. This bill – as its name states – is just the beginning of needed reforms to our federal criminal justice system. Read my full statement:

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  21. Through supporting social justice initiatives in their backyard, the continue to prove their commitment to the Baltimore community.

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