Senator Chris CoonsOverený účet


Father, husband, U.S. Senator from Delaware

Wilmington, DE
Na Twitteri od: júl 2008


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  1. pred 4 hodinami

    I sat down with from to discuss the Senate Prayer Breakfast, which I co-chair with my friend, . It’s a chance for Republicans and Democrats to listen to each other, trust each other, and pray with and for each other.

  2. pred 4 hodinami

    The President has multiple options to do all of that, he just needs to say ‘yes’ to one of them.

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  3. pred 4 hodinami

    Most Republicans & Democrats agree that we should invest the billions of dollars Congress has already appropriated-but which the Trump Admin still hasn’t spent-on border security, make additional border security investments that we’ve already agreed to, & re-open the government.

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  4. pred 4 hodinami

    I’ve voted several times to invest billions of dollars in border security, and I am willing to support more funding for the border, but we’ve heard time and again from experts that the President’s idea for a single concrete wall is a waste of money and a bad idea.

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  5. pred 5 hodinami

    There’s absolutely no reason for a partial government shutdown, and this is happening because the President is rejecting multiple, bipartisan options to fund the government and provide billions in additional border security funding.

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  6. 25. 12.

    Moving words from Secretary Mattis to the men and women of our military who defend us and our country around the world-let’s all remember to keep them in our thoughts and prayers tonight.

  7. 25. 12.

    Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas!

  8. Retweetol používateľ
    23. 12.

    on the Federal Reserve: “The independence of the Fed is a key linchpin of American economic security and I plead with the President to reconsider what is a very dangerous course in economic policy.”

  9. Retweetol používateľ
    23. 12.

    says if President chooses a new Defense Secretary who “doesn’t believe in the importance of our alliances as secretary Mattis did... then they won't get my support.”

  10. Retweetol používateľ
    23. 12.

    says “there is frankly no path towards his getting $5 billion” for a border wall.

  11. Retweetol používateľ
    23. 12.

    says by abruptly withdrawing from Syria, President is “handing a great big Christmas gift to Vladimir Putin of Russia and to the Ayatollah Khomeini of Iran.”

  12. Retweetol používateľ
    22. 12.

    Now has gotten what he said he wanted — a shutdown that puts our economy at risk and forces federal employees to work without pay just days before Christmas. The absolute least our government should be able to do is keep the lights on. Americans deserve better.

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  13. Retweetol používateľ
    22. 12.

    This shutdown could have easily been avoided. Two days ago, the entire Senate — 100 Democrats and Republicans — voted to fund the government at the exact same levels President Trump agreed to last year. But, once again, refused to take yes for an answer.

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  14. 22. 12.

    I’m relieved to hear that nobody was injured at Christiana Mall this evening. I’m grateful as ever to our state police and first responders who quickly arrived to ensure everyone was safe.

  15. 22. 12.

    I’m hopeful that we will quickly reach an agreement to end this shutdown and get back to work on finding solutions to real issues facing the American people.

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  16. 22. 12.

    That’s no way to run the federal government.

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  17. 22. 12.

    There are several options on the table to fund the government & provide funding for border security that would receive support from both parties, but the President & his most partisan allies in Congress are forcing this shutdown in order to send a political message to their base.

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  18. 22. 12.

    At midnight tonight, significant parts of the federal government will shut down for one simple reason: the President would not take ‘yes’ for an answer. This will negatively impact hundreds of thousands of federal employees, including law enforcement and border patrol officers

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  19. 21. 12.

    The filibuster rule in the Senate is one of the only remaining traditions that forces us to compromise. We need more of that, not less. Last year, and I made that clear in a letter to Leaders McConnell and Schumer – and 59 Senators from both parties joined us.

  20. 21. 12.

    Remember when Mexico was going to pay for the wall? Well, now President Trump is threatening to shut down the federal government because he wants American taxpayers to pay for it instead.


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