Rosa DeLauroTài khoản được xác nhận


Proud to represent CT's 3rd CD. Italian-American, New Haven native, fierce advocate for a strong middle class & those in need. Tweets from Rosa are signed -Rosa

New Haven, CT
Đã tham gia tháng 5 năm 2010


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    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: over my dead body.

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  2. Merry Christmas!

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  3. Hundreds of thousands of federal workers are furloughed or working without pay as the continues. Proud to support bipartisan legislation that ensures they are paid retroactively.

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    In 2015, Mick Mulvaney called Trump's views on building the wall "simplistic" and "absurd and almost childish." Mulvaney said Trump's appeal was emotional and ranchers on the border he spoke to didn't even want the wall.

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  5. This is not government for the people and by the people, it is government by tantrum and tweets.

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  6. Hiện chuỗi hội thoại này
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  7. The Administration’s own data shows millions of Americans will be at risk of going hungry and cut SNAP by billions of dollars. Instead of listening to the will of the American people, Secretary Purdue has decided to jam through a regulation that punishes people for being poor.

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  8. The USDA proposal betrays decades of bipartisan support for SNAP. The President's cruelty couldn't be clearer: passing trillions in tax cuts for billionaires & corporations with massive giveaways to corporate agribusinesses—while taking food assistance away from the unemployed.

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    NEW: Reps. DeLauro and Schakowsky introduce Medicare for America, which makes an enhanced Medicare program available to all Americans.

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  10. From exorbitant premiums and deductibles to skimpy plans that do not cover the essentials, healthcare in America is complex and costly. An individual’s zip code should not determine their benefits. Every American deserves coverage they can afford and that meets their needs.

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  11. This bill achieves universal coverage while preserving quality employer-sponsored insurance for those who have it and are satisfied. Americans who are uninsured or do not have employer-sponsored insurance would be auto-enrolled into Medicare for America.

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  12. Medicare for America also includes coverage for prescription drugs, dental, vision, and hearing services, as well as long-term supports and services for seniors and Americans living with disabilities.

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  13. Today I introduced the Medicare for America Act with . This bill ensures universal, high-quality, affordable health coverage by making Medicare accessible to all Americans and expanding the program’s covered benefits and services.

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  14. While the latest news from HHS is a positive step toward beginning to unravel its misguided fingerprinting policy, the heart of this harmful policy is still in place. I will not sit back and enable this Administration’s harmful child abuse policies.

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  15. President Trump and Secretary DeVos’s School Safety Commission Report fails to advance solutions to keep students safe. Our nation’s children and their families deserve action, not empty rhetoric as the Trump administration gives a gift to the gun lobby.

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  16. Access Health CT has expanded its deadline to Jan. 15 to sign up for health insurance. Enroll today and .

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    ⚠️TODAY⚠️ is the last day to sign up for 2019 health insurance through ! Find the right plan for you & your family here: Call if you need assistance: 1-855-909-2428

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    Your daily reminder that... Republicans never had a plan to replace the ACA. Republicans don’t have a plan to replace the ACA. Republicans are never going to have a plan to replace the ACA.

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  19. . refuse to stand idly by. We will take action to bring affordable health coverage to every American.

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  20. The GOP has shown time and again they will stop at nothing to take away protections from Americans—from allowing deceptive junk plans to be sold to increasing premiums for millions of Americans.. That is not the direction our country should be heading in

    Hiện chuỗi hội thoại này
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  21. Every American deserves high-quality, affordable health coverage. Basic decency tells us that should not even be up for debate, let alone the subject of endless court battles and campaigning. But the Party of Trump disagrees.

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