Sheila Jackson Leeحساب موثّق


Official Twitter account for Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, Representing Texas' 18th Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Houston, TX
انضم في أكتوبر ٢٠٠٩
مولود في ١٢ يناير


قمت بحظر @JacksonLeeTX18

هل أنت متأكّد أنك تريد عرض هذه التغريدات؟ عرض التغريدات لن يلغي حظر @JacksonLeeTX18

  1. تغريدة مُثبَّتة
    ٢٠ يوليو

    On January 6, 2017, the IC was showing proof that that Vladimir Putin personally ordered the cyberattack on our country. That same day I was on the House floor urging caution in certifying the Electoral College vote. Here's why.

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  2. قبل ٢١ ساعة
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  3. تم إعادة تغريدها بواسطة
    قبل ٢٤ ساعة

    This is grotesque and unconscionable. Felipe’s and Jakelin’s deaths must be investigated immediately.

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  4. تم إعادة تغريدها بواسطة
    ٢٦ ديسمبر

    "We do live paycheck by paycheck": Federal workers struggle as shutdown continues

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  5. تم إعادة تغريدها بواسطة
    ٢٦ ديسمبر

    As the government shutdown looms over the holidays, offices overseeing federal food stamps are cut by 95%

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  6. تم إعادة تغريدها بواسطة
    ٢٥ ديسمبر

    No one wants to stay out of work, unable to pay their rent & feed their children, so Trump can spend $5 billon on his fantasy wall.

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  7. ٢٦ ديسمبر

    Just weeks after a massive recall on romaine lettuce made national news, the will significantly impact the ability of the FDA to carry out food safety inspections. , end this shut down now!

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  8. ٢٥ ديسمبر

    What is happening at our southern border?! This makes the second death of a young child at our border in as many weeks. This is outrageous! This shocks the conscience.

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  9. ٢٤ ديسمبر

    Ever since declared himself "Tariff Man," the Dow is down about 15%. So much ...

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  10. ٢٤ ديسمبر

    America’s hard-working federal employees do the people’s work. They deserve to be able to afford rent, pay for holiday gifts, and put food on the table. It’s time to put an end to the and let them enjoy the holiday season!

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  11. ٢٣ ديسمبر

    As the lead sponsor of H.R. 6545, the Violence Against Women Act Reauthorization Act of 2018, and sponsor of HR 7390, an Extension of the Violence Against Women Act (which authorizes the law into February), I hope we can vote to extend this important law

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  12. تم إعادة تغريدها بواسطة
    ٢٣ ديسمبر

    Trump’s petulance and vindictiveness are on full display in his decision to fire Mattis summarily as of a week from now rather than letting Mattis resign in dignity as of Feb 28. What a shallow jerk walks the halls of the White House these days!

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  13. ٢٣ ديسمبر
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  14. ٢٣ ديسمبر

    Trump’s immoral, expensive & ineffective border wall faces bipartisan opposition from Democrats & many Republicans. Make no mistake, this is a !

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  15. ٢٣ ديسمبر

    I am devastated to hear of the tragic loss of life following the . I pray that the dozens still missing are found safe, and I mourn the hundreds of souls lost in this disaster.

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  16. تم إعادة تغريدها بواسطة
    ٢٢ ديسمبر

    Regrettably, America has now entered a .

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  17. ٢٢ ديسمبر

    Why is so hard for to accept Americans won’t support his border wall? We’ve been clear on this for over a year. He needs to accept the facts, move on, and let Congress reopen the government.

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  18. ٢١ ديسمبر

    ...This bill is long-awaited, and a welcome relief to families caught in the criminal justice system. Congratulations to all of the Senators and Congressmembers who worked on this legislation. This was a great day.

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  19. ٢١ ديسمبر

    Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee joins and her Democratic and Republican colleagues for the signing of Sentencing Reduction legislation and the : criminal justice reform that she's worked on for a number of years...

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  20. ٢١ ديسمبر

    ...the criminal justice system and in pain will now receive much-needed relief. Their time is now.

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  21. ٢١ ديسمبر

    Today, Sentencing Reduction and the will receive the signature of . I thank those in the Administration who recognized our many legislative initiatives and after our long years of hard work, finally had this legislation signed into law. Families stuck in...

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