Hakeem JeffriesΕπαληθευμένος λογαριασμός


Member of Congress, House Democratic Leadership, Judiciary and Budget Committee. Proudly Represent Brooklyn & Queens

Brooklyn, NY
Έγινε μέλος την περίοδο Ιανουάριος 2012


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  1. πριν από 10 ώρες

    On January 3rd, everything changes. First, House Dems end the reckless . Then, we work to end the era of voter suppression and clean-up corruption

  2. πριν από 18 ώρες

    We’re fighting to lower healthcare costs . Republicans are fighting for a medieval 🏰 border wall. is a presidential temper tantrum. And that’s why he’s banished to the timeout corner.

  3. 28 Δεκ

    Day 7 of the . Republicans continue to hold the American people hostage. We refuse to pay a $5 billion ransom note. In other words, TAKE A HIKE

  4. 28 Δεκ

    Democrats won't support the medieval border wall from the so-called president. IT'S. NOT. GOING. ANYWHERE.

  5. 27 Δεκ

    House Dems poised to seize the gavels next week. We will end the reckless . And fight to lower healthcare costs, increase pay for everyday Americans and clean-up corruption

  6. 27 Δεκ

    Jakelin Caal Maquin and Felipe Gomez-Alonso deserved better. Our country should welcome the huddled masses yearning to breathe free. Instead, these precious children were greeted with depraved indifference to human life. There will be NO BORDER WALL and This. Will. End.

  7. 26 Δεκ

    Day Five of the House Republicans frustrated, discouraged and in disarray House Dems preparing to protect Americans with pre-existing conditions on January 3rd And Individual 1 having a complete meltdown

  8. 25 Δεκ

    Merry Christmas to all!!!🎄🎄🎄Thankful for God, family and for a country that elected us to serve and fight hard 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

  9. 24 Δεκ

    It’s Christmas Eve. Can you give us all a break and press the pause button on your countless lies? Let. There. Be. Peace. On. 🌍

  10. 24 Δεκ

    in its third full day Presidential meltdown in its second full year Stock market in complete free fall So-called Treasury Secretary apparently on vacation in Cabo San Lucas January 3rd can’t come soon enough

  11. 24 Δεκ

    Trump’s approval rating in latest Gallup poll is 38%. Right-wing TV & Radio personalities punked him into this . And now he thinks he can blackmail the American taxpayer for 5 billion dollars? GET LOST

  12. 22 Δεκ

    Dems pick up 40 seats and take back the House Defense Secretary resigns as Individual 1 spirals out of control Three in a single year Stock market on track for worst year since Great Recession What happened to all the winning?

  13. 22 Δεκ

    We are now in the midst of a . But the weakening economy may be heading toward a Everyday Americans will be devastated. We must enact our agenda

  14. 22 Δεκ

    The officially in full effect. He is holding the people’s business hostage. But America doesn’t negotiate with hostage takers. We send them packing

  15. 22 Δεκ

    Stock market experiencing worst December since Great Depression. Healthcare under attack. Government about to shutdown (again). Individual 1 must be stopped

  16. 21 Δεκ

    Thanks to , the administration and a strong left-right coalition (the unusual suspects), historic criminal justice reform legislation is now law. Next step, Congress should DECRIMINALIZE MARIJUANA

  17. 21 Δεκ

    Praying for the health and well-being of Brooklyn’s Finest, visionary Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg (otherwise known as the Notorious RBG) 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

  18. 21 Δεκ

    House Republicans to American People: Pay $5 billion RANSOM NOTE for a ridiculous border wall, or we shutdown the government to House Republicans: Take. A. Hike.

  19. 20 Δεκ

    The provides retroactive relief to thousands of Americans harshly treated by unjust crack-cocaine laws

  20. 20 Δεκ

    BREAKING: House just passed historic bipartisan criminal justice reform legislation, 358 - 36. This bill strikes a serious blow against the mass incarceration epidemic in America


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