Steve CohenAkaun disahkan


CongressTN09 Memphis;Judiciary&Transportation;Civil Rights&Liberties;Impeach45; Women&Minority Issues;Med. Research;Animal Welfare;Father of TN Ed. Lottery; Dem

Memphis, TN and Washington, DC
Menyertai Julai 2010


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  1. Tweet Dipinkan
    16 Nov 2017

    The repeated injuries to our Constitution and democracy must be brought to an end. I'm fighting upstream, I've fought upstream my whole life, and I was proud to stand with my colleagues to introduce articles of against Donald Trump.

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  2. 3 jam lalu

    If anyone finds an abandoned spine in the area please return it to the office of the Speaker of the House. 115th to exit with wimper as continues,oversight of nonexistent,trillions added to debt and makes America weaker.

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  3. Mengetweet Semula
    27 Dis
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    Sorry & I’m not the billionaire hedge fund Steve Cohen or the magician for millionaires Steve Cohen .I’m proudly hard work & straight talk Congressman who was “born to rock the boat. Credit Warren Zevon “Mutineer”

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  4. 27 Dis

    Cell signal puts Cohen outside Prague around time of purported Russian meeting is the Steele(stet) door closing in?

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  5. 27 Dis

    Understand mine says Tennessee but I’ve proudly been Steve from since ‘07!

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  6. 27 Dis

    Also “big,beautiful wall”, “who’s gonna pay for it? MEXICO”,and “lock her up” .another Shakespeare in our midst!

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  7. 27 Dis

    Trump misleads about military pay raises again - CNNPolitics not misleads LIES . Pay raises every year for years! Congenital LIAR

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  8. 27 Dis
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  9. 26 Dis

    administration has avoided meaningful oversight over the last two years. That will end in January, as I told this afternoon. See the interview here.

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  10. 26 Dis
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  11. 26 Dis
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  12. 26 Dis

    I'll be on CNN today talking about the federal government's partial shutdown and other breaking news at noon Central time, 1 p.m. Eastern.

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  13. Mengetweet Semula
    26 Dis

    was a cosponsor of the H.R.3030 and then voted yes for S.1158 last week. Thank you Congressman for supporting this bill!

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  14. 26 Dis
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  15. 26 Dis

    Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all🎅🏼☮️🎉

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  16. Mengetweet Semula
    25 Dis
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  17. 24 Dis

    I notice no lunch on your clean that because your pal,Kim,ate it?

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  18. 24 Dis

    Oh!now I understand the stock market can’t putt. BTW:You claim & own it

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  19. 24 Dis

    Call Macaulay Culkin! Maybe he can give some advice.

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  20. 24 Dis
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  21. 24 Dis

    Trump is incapable of leading our country. Intellectually , morally and emotionally unfit!

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