John Lewis已認證帳戶


Congressman, Georgia's Fifth Congressional District

Atlanta, GA


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  1. 12月25日

    Wishing everyone a happy and safe Christmas holiday.

  2. 12月20日

    Every minute, every day, every week of delay is a disservice to American taxpayers. This is good work -- necessary work -- and it puts the people before politics.

  3. 12月16日

    Don’t put it off any longer. Open enrollment ends today. Sign up for affordable health coverage at now.

  4. 12月10日

    The deadline to sign up for 2019 health coverage is December 15! Go to and today.

  5. 11月22日

    Wishing each and everyone of you a happy and safe Thanksgiving holiday.

  6. 11月7日

    Our struggle is not the struggle of a day, a week, a month, or a year—it is the struggle of a lifetime. Be persistent and consistent. We shall overcome.

  7. 11月6日

    VOTE! Do your part. Honor the sacrifice of those who marched and protested, those who were beaten and left bloody, those who gave the last full measure of devotion so that each and every one of us can exercise our right to vote. You can change America.

  8. 11月5日

    Never give up, never give in, never give out. Keep the faith and keep your eyes on the prize. Each and every vote matters. Do your part and vote like you’ve never voted before. Believe in the power of love and together we will build the Beloved Community here in America.

  9. 11月3日

    During another period people waited in immovable lines, faced billy clubs and cattle prods, in order to register and vote. Have courage, raw courage, and let nothing stop you from exercising your right to vote in this election. Do your part. Vote.

  10. 11月2日

    Sometimes you have to let the spirit move you.

  11. 11月1日

    Be bold. Be courageous. Vote like you’ve never voted before. Together we can redeem the soul of America.

  12. 10月27日

    There is no room in our society for gun violence and especially not in a place of worship. Elected officials must stop fanning the flames of hatred, bitterness, and division. We must condemn these terrible acts in the strongest possible terms and work to heal these deep wounds.

  13. 10月26日

    I am grateful to local, state, and federal law enforcement as well as the U. S. Postal Service for their efforts to bring to justice those responsible for the attempted mail bombings. Hate is too heavy a burden to bear. Love is the better way.

  14. 10月26日

    The right to vote is precious, almost sacred. It is the most powerful nonviolent tool or instrument we have in a democratic society. Let nothing stand in your way to use it so that together we may build a truly more perfect union here in America.

  15. 10月25日

    I fought too long and too hard to end discrimination based on race not to stand up and speak out against discrimination based on gender identity. We are all human beings blessed with the spark of the divine.

  16. 10月22日

    I have been beaten, my skull fractured, and arrested more than forty times so that each and every person has the right to register and vote. Friends of my gave their lives. Do your part. Get out there and vote like you’ve never voted before.

  17. 10月18日

    I continue to be grateful for the brave reporters and members of the press who face unspeakable threats and their work to ensure no acts of evil may be swept under the rug and hidden from the light of justice.

  18. 10月18日

    It's hard not to see parallels to the Civil Rights Movement when reporters were threatened, beaten, & attacked for attempting to shine a light on injustices perpetrated in the Deep South. The administration’s weak & feeble response demonstrates whose side they really fight for.

  19. 10月18日

    Greed and power can never be allowed to conspire to extinguish a human life. The murder of Jamal Khashoggi is a vicious attack on the press, on free speech, and basic human rights.

  20. 10月18日

    I am sick and outraged over the murder of journalist and American permanent resident Jamal Khashoggi. The President and his administration have failed to uphold their duty to the Constitution and to the rule of law by turning a blind-eye to this demonic act.



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