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  1. retweetou
    24 de dez

    No one logged more miles, spent more time, and took more risk in support of deployed troops at Christmas than Bob Hope. 57 USO tours between 1941 and 1991. His wisdom resonates today: “If you haven’t got any charity in your heart you have the worst kind of heart trouble.”

  2. retweetou
    22 de dez

    owes the American people reality, not rhetoric.” -

  3. 22 de dez

    Multiply this over and over and over again, across the entire country, for our National Parks and public lands.

  4. retweetou
    22 de dez

    How Trump shows he cares about border security: Shutting down government so the following people who keep us safe are not paid over holidays: — 54,000 in Customs & Border Protection: — 42,000 in Coast Guard — 41,000 In Law Encorcement (FBI, DEA, ATF) — 53,000 in TSA

  5. 21 de dez

    Portman, Leahy Hail President's Signing Of Their Second Chance Act Into Law As Part Of Historic Criminal Justice Reform Package

  6. retweetou
    21 de dez

    Today signed my bipartisan Second Chance Reauthorization Act I led with as part of criminal justice reform. This bill is critical to our efforts to stop the revolving door of incarceration & help former inmates live up to their God-given potential.

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  7. 21 de dez

    ENOUGH IS ENOUGH Mr. President. Time to stop the ego-driven, childlike nonsense and get behind the commonsense bipartisan solution offered by Senate Democrats.

  8. 21 de dez

    Mr. President, yesterday you patted yourself on the back for signing the Farm Bill and TODAY you are closing all of the USDA field offices that farmers rely on?

  9. 21 de dez

    A would force more than 800,000 public servants to worry about their next paycheck, shutter 9 of 15 federal depts., cost taxpayers a bundle, & deny services to millions of Americans just days before Christmas.

  10. retweetou
    21 de dez

    Menendez, Leahy Call for Expulsion Of Top Sudanese Diplomat

  11. 21 de dez

    Instead of the President expounding upon his dubious knowledge of recent history and immigration policy, he should get behind our bipartisan solution, which has strong border security, and would keep the government open.

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  12. 21 de dez

    FACT CHECK: Illegal border crossings are at historic lows, a 75% DROP since FY2000. If there were an “urgent need” to construct a costly wall, Pres. Trump would not have to rely on so many blatant falsehoods.

  13. 21 de dez

    A “Democrat Shutdown." Really? Memories don't fade THAT quickly. Let’s remember that time you went on live TV & said you’d be “proud” to shut down govt. over your costly bumper-sticker boondoggle wall.

  14. 21 de dez

    Democrats support strong border security. Always have…do now…always will. We DON’T support a costly bumper-sticker boondoggle.

  15. retweetou
    20 de dez

    Mattis’ resignation letter makes it clear. “My views on treating allies with respect and also being clear eyed about both malign actors and strategic competitors are strongly held and informed by over four decades of immersion in these issues.”

  16. 21 de dez

    You made a real difference on this, Mr. Chairman. The Senate functioned the way it’s supposed to — the way it used to. For the good of the country, I hope there’s more to come.

  17. 21 de dez

    Reaction Of Senator Patrick Leahy To The Resignation Of Defense Secretary Mattis

  18. retweetou
    20 de dez

    Trump signs Farm Bill, Leahy hails as 'important to Vermont' | Vermont Business Magazine

  19. 20 de dez

    Senators Patrick Leahy And Press Intelligence And Justice Dept. Leaders On Surveillance Powers

  20. 20 de dez

    Reaction Of Senator Patrick Leahy (D-Vt., And A Farm Bill Conferee) To USDA’s Proposed Rule On Work Requirements For SNAP Recipients


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