Tom CottonTài khoản được xác nhận


U.S. Senator proudly serving the state of Arkansas.

Đã tham gia tháng 11 năm 2012


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  1. Hoàn tác
  2. By sustaining family farms, we help preserve Arkansas’s unique land, values, and work ethic. I’m very proud of all 42 farms that joined the distinguished ranks of other family century farms across our state today, especially of the one my mom grew up on!

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  3. The First Step Act provides hundreds of new rights and privileges to federal prisoners. More phone time, reduced sentences, “compassionate release,” and early release credits. There is not a single benefit in the bill for the victims of these criminals.

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  4. Opponents falsely claim victim notification amendment wouldn’t allow victims to opt-out of notification. Current law for other notifications doesn’t mention “opt-outs,” but Bureau of Prisons still provides it. This will not change.

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  5. The amendment I offered with , cosponsored by Senators Barrasso, Kyl, Sasse, and Toomey, would notify victims before their victimizer is granted early prerelease custody and give victims a chance to make a statement to the warden. I hope my colleagues vote yes.

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    . and I introduced a Senate resolution encouraging the United States to recognize Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights. -->

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  7. I am proud to have support from the Major City Chiefs of Police for our amendments. These brave Chiefs serve nearly 80 million Americans and they are heroes who keep us safe. Criminals get a lot of benefits in First Step Act. Why not at least give victims notice?

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  8. The senate should unanimously pass amendment #4121 to fix language in current bill that discriminates against Christian and other religious groups. Proud to sponsor this fix. Faith-based groups deserve full participation in federal prison system.

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  9. I'm proud to have , , Senator Kyl, , and as cosponsors for this amendment. We only need 51 votes to make this bill a little better and safer. I urge all my colleagues to support it.

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  10. Now, please tell me which of the crimes in my amendment should remain eligible for early release time credits. Coercing a child to engage in sexual activity? Assaulting law enforcement? Assaulting a child? Carjacking? Bank robbery? Hate crimes? They should all be made ineligible.

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  11. Opponents of my amendment continue to push false claim it “would make virtually all federal prisoners ineligible for earned time credits,” so I’m posting analysis from bipartisan US Sentencing Commission confirming 62% of prisoners are still eligible if my amendment‘s adopted:

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  12. I also strongly support 's amendment #4141 that would fix the unconstitutional, unfunded mandate in the First Step Act that could bankrupt local jails. This is a serious issue in the bill that has received little attention thus far.

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  13. And would also get rid of the section that reduces the penalty for repeat fentanyl trafficking in amendment #4142. Fentanyl traffickers deserve no leniency. I strongly support.

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  14. In amendment #4143, would fix the "productive activities" loophole that allows violent felons to gain early release credits by playing softball. Why do bill authors allow “productive activities” to qualify?

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  15. The amendment #4144 deserves support. It bans felons who assault police officers, violent bank robbers, and carjackers from early release. Violent offenders should not be eligible for early release to home confinement or to “supervised release.”

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  16. My colleague has introduced comprehensive mens rea reform in amendment #4137 that I hope will be accepted by my colleagues. Disappointed this was not included in bill.

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  17. And amendment #4120 would provide more funding for victims of violent crimes. This is an outstanding and much-needed amendment that deserves my colleagues’ support.

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  18. I also support amendment #4119 that increases the penalty against violent felons who stalk children.

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  19. I am proud to support First Step Act amendment #4118 that would raise the penalty for felons who murder police officers or first responders by ensuring that capital punishment is an option.

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  20. While I still have concerns with First Step Act, I strongly support and am proud to sponsor amendment #4121 to ensure faith-based organizations can work with prisoners to improve lives and reduce recidivism. I urge my colleagues to pass this common sense fix.

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