
قمت بحظر @SusanWBrooks

هل أنت متأكّد أنك تريد عرض هذه التغريدات؟ عرض التغريدات لن يلغي حظر @SusanWBrooks

  1. تغريدة مُثبَّتة
    ٩ مايو

    Today, I joined & to introduce H.R.5717, the Jake Laird Act, a gun violence reduction tool that will help us better avoid situations that could jeopardize countless lives while also protecting individual constitutional rights

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  2. ٢٥ ديسمبر

    Merry Christmas from my loved-ones to yours!

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  3. ٢٢ ديسمبر

    I submitted a letter this morning requesting my pay be withheld for the duration of the shutdown. My offices will remain accessible for constituents who need services during the shutdown. Learn what the partial shutdown means for you >>

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  4. ٢١ ديسمبر

    —Winter has officially begun with the winter solstice tonight @ 5:23PM! For more info >>

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  5. ٢١ ديسمبر

    Are you subscribed to receive updates from my newsletters? ☑️ If not, subscribe here >>

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  6. ٢١ ديسمبر

    CHECK OUT the most recent newsletter highlighting that the was SIGNED INTO LAW yesterday! I'm proud the Farm Bill has been signed into law b/c it champions the needs of America & provides certainty to families & farmers >>

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  7. ٢١ ديسمبر

    Today, I voted to strengthen border security, provide relief to communities & keep the government open. It is government’s job to work together to fund the government & I hope my colleagues in the Senate vote on behalf of the American people to avoid a government shutdown. More⬇️

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  8. تم إعادة تغريدها بواسطة
    ٢٠ ديسمبر
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  9. ٢٠ ديسمبر

    Having an updated report will also allow companies in Indiana & across the country to have a better understanding on how they can anticipate the needs of the federal government & provide the best quality product for American consumers.

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  10. ٢٠ ديسمبر

    Some of the nation’s largest vehicle fleets recycle used oil for re-refining & procure re-refined oil, including the Department of Defense, U.S. Postal Service, National Park Service, & state & local authorities.

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  11. ٢٠ ديسمبر

    Americans daily operate motor vehicles that rely on lubricated oil to run safely & efficiently. Our country is already re-refining lubricated oil through a process which rids the oil of harmful contaminants & restores the oil to its original effectiveness.

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  12. ٢٠ ديسمبر

    ✅PASSES SENATE: I'm proud my re-refining bill is on its way to be signed into law. We need an up-to-date report from the DoE that'll allow Congress to better develop energy saving & environmentally conscious policy in connection w/how we use & reuse lubricating oil.

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  13. تم إعادة تغريدها بواسطة
    ١٨ ديسمبر

    A huge thank you for for taking time out of her day to meet with founders Christine McDonnell and Erik Young yesterday.

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  14. تم إعادة تغريدها بواسطة
    ١٧ ديسمبر

    Meeting with Congresswoman to discuss our Rollfast Foundation suicide prevention efforts today.

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  15. ١٧ ديسمبر

    Thank you to Chris & Matt Tanner for meeting with me today! They’re the founders of the RollFast Foundation, a foundation working to reduce suicide. Suicide rates have been rising in nearly every state (including IN) & I’m proud they’re working hard to save lives in IN & beyond.

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  16. ١٧ ديسمبر

    Thank you to for bringing these strong, impressive, young women into my office this morning & a special thank you to Catherine, who is now 8yrs old & was not able to make our meeting, for the beautiful note.

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  17. ١٧ ديسمبر

    I'm proud Congress reauthorized the Special Diabetes Program as part of the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018, helping make significant advances towards therapies to cure, prevent & treat Type 1 Diabetes. These programs are essential for people like Jenna, Anna & Julia.

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  18. ١٧ ديسمبر

    Today, I met with constituents Jenna, Anna & Julia who shared with me their stories & experiences of living with Type 1 Diabetes. I really appreciate their feedback & advice while learning about their journeys.

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  19. ١٧ ديسمبر

    Thank you to Sophie & Lauren, seniors at Fishers High School, for interviewing me on the importance of Freedom of Speech. Wishing you both the best of luck as you work towards a national C-Span scholarship!

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  20. ١٤ ديسمبر

    Such a fun afternoon at the with Mayor ! Thanks to Maria & Brian Murphy for showing us around - the Gluhwein Pyramid rocks!

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  21. ١٤ ديسمبر

    The announcement came as " was recognized by the US Dept. of Labor as a registered software development apprenticeship program, making it the 1st in IN to earn that designation. Last month, the academy was also named 1 of the Best Coding Bootcamps of 2018-2019..."

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