Mark DeSaulnier认证账号


Honored to represent California's 11th Congressional District. Member of:

Concord, CA
加入于 2015年1月


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  1. 12月22日

    Even more ironic, the Trump Administration has yet to spend the $1.3 billion in additional border security funding Congress appropriated last year, proving that this is about politics, not people.

  2. 12月22日

    Direct Quote from : “Yes. If we don't get what we want, one way or the other...I will shut down the government. Absolutely. I am proud to shut down the government for border security...I will take the mantle, I will be the one to shut it down."

  3. 12月21日

    The departure of a level-headed voice in the room could make things even worse.

  4. 12月21日

    General Mattis’s resignation letter makes is clear that Trump is making irrational and impulsive decisions that are putting America’s national security at risk, alienating us from our trusted allies, and aligning us more and more with our adversaries.

  5. 转推了

    Old Marines never die, but they do resign after the President ignores their advice, betrays our allies, rewards our enemies, and puts the nation’s security at risk. Turn out the lights when Mattis leaves; we will not see his like again while Trump remains in office.

  6. 12月20日

    Facebook gave 150+ companies access to personal user data—including the ability to read private messages. This is a violation of privacy & Congress must pass legislation to protect user data—clearly Facebook cannot be trusted when left to their own devices

  7. 12月20日

    The good news is that change is coming to the House when Democrats take the gavel in January. We will work to responsibly and fully fund the government in the new Congress.

  8. 12月20日

    GOP Leadership has once again failed to fund the government, despite having control of the House, Senate, and White House. This week they are kicking the can down the road again and passing a short term solution.

  9. 12月20日

    Today a federal judge ruled against these policies, delivering a major victory for those currently in harm’s way and for U.S. & international law. This victory reminds us that we must keeping fighting the Administration’s unlawful & unjust policies.

  10. 12月20日

    In June, I joined 118 of my fellow Democrats in condemning the Trump Administration for making victims of domestic, gender-based, and gang violence ineligible to seek asylum.

  11. 12月19日

    From now through January 15th you can shop and compare plans to find the best coverage for you and your family through . Be sure to sign up and use your insurance to get the care you need.

  12. 12月19日

    Despite the recent ruling against the ACA by a federal judge in Texas, California’s period is unaffected and still accepting new enrollees for 2019.

  13. 转推了

    After the judge acknowledged the seriousness of Flynn’s conduct, he has allowed Trump’s former National Security Advisor to defer sentencing until after he has fully cooperated with the government. It will be important that Flynn also cooperate with our Committee and testify.

  14. 12月19日

    Here is what legal experts have to say about the ACA ruling by a federal judge in Texas: “…this decision makes a mockery of the rule of law and basic principles of democracy.”

  15. 12月18日

    The decision to invalidate the ACA is another attempt to steal health care from vulnerable Americans & if upheld could upend the entire health care industry. Health care is a right. No American should be denied coverage due to .

  16. 12月17日

    and systematically spread false information to African American voters about where and how to vote. This is not a political debate—it is a national security threat, and I encourage all Americans to read these troubling reports.

  17. 12月17日

    There is irrefutable evidence that the Russian government actively worked to influence our nation’s elections. Research by Oxford University uncovers the massive operation orchestrated by the Russians to sway the 2016 election in support of Donald Trump...

  18. 12月17日

    Despite endless claims to drain the swamp, Trump’s cabinet is comprised of people like Ryan Zinke, who racked up 15 ethics investigations. He treated taxpayer dollars & our public lands w/ disrespect. His departure is necessary, but we must continue to fight attacks on our planet

  19. 12月16日

    The ruling by a federal judge against the ACA is a result of Trump & GOP Leadership’s desire to sabotage our health care. Democrats will fight this decision & do everything we can to for Americans w/ pre-existing conditions & all families.

  20. 转推了

    "If the President had done this directly, it wouldn't be illegal." - Former Whitewater independent counsel Robert Ray says he agrees with President Trump's claim that hush money payments were not illegal despite Michael Cohen guilty plea



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