Ed MarkeyOverený účet


Official account for Senator Edward J. Markey. National leader on energy, environment, climate, telecom. Voice for consumer protection.

Na Twitteri od: február 2009


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  1. Pripnutý Tweet
    19. 12.

    Don’t be confused by the recent ACA ruling: if you live in Massachusetts and you haven’t signed up for health care yet, there’s still time! You have until Jan. 23 to enroll through . and I don’t want you to miss this opportunity to .

  2. pred 14 hodinami

    . has repeatedly promised to make the communities affected by the September 13th 100% financially whole. That needs to include not leaving their streets in pieces.

  3. 25. 12.

    To all of our servicemembers overseas and away from their families today, we thank you and honor your service. And may everyone’s Christmas be a safe and peaceful one.

  4. 24. 12.

    With Mattis soon gone, it’s more urgent than ever that we protect ourselves from Trump’s worst impulses. One of the first things the new Congress should do is pass my & 's bill which requires to get Congressional approval before launching a nuclear first strike.

  5. 22. 12.

    For the people of Lawrence, Andover, and North Andover, who responded to the gas explosions of Sept. 13th with such bravery and selflessness, the forged a bond. Read some of the incredible stories of the everyday heroes of the Merrimack Valley:

  6. 22. 12.

    Despite Donald Trump’s repeated promises, Mexico was never going to pay for his racist wall and now, 800,000 federal workers won’t get paid this Christmas season. It’s consistent with his record: he has far more experience in not paying employees than in fulfilling his promises.

  7. 22. 12.

    The Trump administration is burying the department working to prepare for the health threats of . My Climate Change Health and Promotion Act would force him to respond to this public health crisis.

  8. 21. 12.
  9. 21. 12.

    December 11, 2018. Donald Trump: "I'm proud to shut down the government for border security...So I will take the mantle. I will be the one to shut it down." There is only one person to blame for a . Period.

  10. Retweetol používateľ
    20. 12.
  11. Retweetol používateľ
    18. 12.

    With the recent unprecedented lease sale, coordination between ocean stakeholders has never been more important. Thank you , , , and for supporting smart

  12. 20. 12.

    Passage of the Space Frontier Act is not just one small step, it is one giant leap that gets us that much closer to the next Great Space Age. I’m proud of the Subcommittee’s hard work on this bipartisan piece of legislation, especially my partners and .

  13. Retweetol používateľ
    20. 12.

    Today the Senate passed , , & my bipartisan Space Frontier Act by a unanimous vote of approval. -->

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  14. Retweetol používateľ
    20. 12.

    As I've said, a government that cannot be trusted with a bone saw, should not be trusted with a nuclear weapon. Thanks to , , and for joining me in introducing my bill, the No Nuclear Weapons for Act.

  15. 20. 12.

    While it does not include all the reforms I had hoped to see, the is the start of a long overdue transformation of our federal criminal justice system. We have a long way to go before we have a truly just criminal justice system.

    Zobraziť toto vlákno
  16. 20. 12.

    The criminal justice reform bill is just the beginning of the national apology we owe to the generation of Black men and women who lost their lives and futures in prison due to an unjust War on Drugs.

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  17. Retweetol používateľ
    20. 12.

    This lawsuit is about ensuring we never see a Deepwater Horizon tragedy or any oil and gas drilling off the shores of Massachusetts. – v Marine Mammal Center at New England Aquarium

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  18. 20. 12.

    Brett Kavanaugh, Matt Whitaker, now William Barr — President Trump’s picks for the nation’s top judicial officers consistently believe the president should be shielded from the law. We need an impartial AG, and Mr. Barr’s memo proves he won’t be.

  19. Retweetol používateľ
    20. 12.

    A young man was killed and thousands in the Merrimack Valley were stranded without heat or power for months – all because and utterly failed to prioritize customers’ safety. and I are demanding accountability:

  20. 19. 12.

    With this vision for our Asia policy, we can implement a long-term strategy that will benefit U.S. national security interests and businesses, and project U.S. values.

    Zobraziť toto vlákno
  21. 19. 12.

    I thank for his partnership on , which just passed the Senate. This bill establishes a policy framework to enhance U.S. leadership in the Indo-Pacific.

    Zobraziť toto vlákno

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