Rep. Dan Kildeeחשבון מאומת


Honored to represent Michigan's Fifth Congressional District. Born & raised in Flint. Vice Ranking Member, . Proud husband, father & grandfather.

כאן מאז דצמבר 2012


חסמת את @RepDanKildee

האם אתה בטוח שאתה רוצה להציג את הציוצים האלה? הצגת הציוצים לא תגרום לשחרור של @RepDanKildee

  1. ציוץ נעוץ
    25 באפר׳

    Four years later, Flint families are still recovering from the water crisis and having to use filters & bottled water. In the richest country in the world, clean drinking water should be a basic human right.

  2. לפני 12 שעות

    A New Democratic majority is ready to end the that is hurting the American economy and costing millions of dollars.

  3. 25 בדצמ׳

    Merry Christmas and happy holidays to those in Michigan and around the world! Wishing everyone a joyful day spent with loved ones.

  4. 22 בדצמ׳
  5. 22 בדצמ׳

    During the shutdown, my office is still here to help. If you need help with a federal agency, Social Security, Medicare or veterans’ benefits, you can reach out online at or at 810-238-8627.

  6. 22 בדצמ׳

    Shutting down the government hurts our economy and the 800,000 federal employees who will go without pay for the holidays. I voted against adjourning Congress—we must work to pass a budget that protects our national security and keeps the government open.

  7. 21 בדצמ׳

    Every American should take a minute to read General Mattis’ resignation letter.

  8. 20 בדצמ׳

    I’m proud to support the , which provides critical revisions to the federal criminal justice system. This bill is the positive step we need to address the nation’s over-incarceration problem & to promote public safety for all Americans.

  9. 20 בדצמ׳

    Republicans control the House, the Senate and the White House. If the government shuts down, make no mistake—this will be the Trump shutdown. This is no way to run the corner grocery store, let alone the government of the United States.

  10. 20 בדצמ׳

    Congrats, ! I’m grateful every day for the work you do taking care of our children.

  11. 19 בדצמ׳

    Jacky was a good friend of mine. I’ll miss his kindness and commitment to improving the lives of Flint kids. He was a friend to many and our entire community will miss him.

  12. 19 בדצמ׳

    Relieved to see a federal judge strike down President Trump’s cruel immigration policy. I previously urged the to protect asylum seekers fleeing domestic and gang violence.

  13. 19 בדצמ׳

    Great news for Flint! Proud to work with and to protect Flint kids from the dangers of lead-based paint.

  14. 19 בדצמ׳

    A new Democratic majority will work to pass common sense gun safety measures like background checks that will help protect Michigan families.

  15. צייץ מחדש
    19 בדצמ׳

    Congressman (D-Flint) today announced a $2.2M grant from from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to protect Flint children from lead poisoning.

  16. 18 בדצמ׳

    . has made promises he has not kept. Instead of helping boost U.S. manufacturing, the President's economic policies have overwhelmingly benefited the biggest corporations and richest Americans. Read my op-ed in today's :

  17. 18 בדצמ׳

    The culture of corruption at the Department under Ryan Zinke was a disgrace. We need leaders who will protect our public lands and will protect our environment.

  18. 14 בדצמ׳

    Proud to partner with to fight for resources to help identify contamination sites in Michigan and across the country.

  19. 14 בדצמ׳

    No family should ever live through this horror. The Trump Administration’s cruel immigration policies are immoral. We need real, comprehensive immigration reform so a tragedy like this never happens again.

  20. 14 בדצמ׳

    One year ago today, the FCC voted to gut . An open internet is vital to small businesses and ensuring all communities have a voice. Congress has the power to act.

  21. 13 בדצמ׳

    Happy Birthday, Rep. ! Glad we can work together to raise wages for hardworking families.


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