Cory Gardnerบัญชีตัวจริง


Proudly serving the state of Colorado in the United States Senate. This is my official Senate Twitter account.

เข้าร่วมเมื่อ มกราคม 2554


คุณได้บล็อค @SenCoryGardner

คุณแน่ใจหรือไม่ว่าต้องการดูทวีตเหล่านี้ การดูทวีตเหล่านี้ไม่ถือเป็นการยกเลิกการบล็อค @SenCoryGardner

  1. 25 ธ.ค.

    From my family to yours, Merry Christmas to everyone in Colorado and across this great country.

  2. 22 ธ.ค.

    See below for my statement on the partial government shutdown:

  3. 20 ธ.ค.

    General Mattis has served the American people honorably for decades & always put his country first. His steady leadership will be missed. I enjoyed working with General Mattis on securing US global leadership for future generations, including a free & open Indo-Pacific.

  4. 20 ธ.ค.

    Kim Jong Un continues to break his promises and his actions suggest a potential high-level summit is dead on arrival. Until Pyongyang takes concrete steps to denuclearize, we should ramp up the sanctions & call for our global partners to join us in a maximum pressure campaign.

  5. 20 ธ.ค.

    ICYMI: and I are demanding the take action to reduce the unacceptable wait times at Eastern Colorado Health Care System facilities. Learn more here:

  6. 19 ธ.ค.

    The passage of this bill is a major victory for our nation’s global standing and a genuine bipartisan success on behalf of the American people. and I have worked tirelessly to advance this legislation and I look forward to ARIA being signed into law.

  7. 19 ธ.ค.

    Therefore, ARIA establishes & provides new resources for a long-term strategy to enhance security cooperation with our allies; to promote American businesses through trade opportunities; & to project American values of democracy, human rights, & the rule of law in the region.

  8. 19 ธ.ค.

    ARIA is important because the Indo-Pacific is home to half of the world’s population & GDP, the world’s largest standing armies, & six US defense treaty allies. The security & economic future of the US depends on having the right policies to ensure a free & open Indo-Pacific.

  9. 19 ธ.ค.

    After years of bipartisan work, ARIA is now headed to the President’s desk to be signed into law. This crucial legislation - endorsed by the Administration, policy experts, and the business community - will ensure the US remains the leading Pacific power for generations to come.

  10. 19 ธ.ค.

    I urge President Trump to immediately halt any plans to withdraw US troops from Syria and to consult with Congress on a long-term Syria strategy that protects US national interests and denies a win for Vladimir Putin, Bashar al-Assad, and the Iranian mullahs.

  11. 19 ธ.ค.

    The US is the only global power able to stop Russia, Iran, & their terrorist proxies in Syria from total control of a region vital to national security. We've made significant progress in our fight against ISIS but the fight isn't over, & a US withdrawal will embolden bad actors.

  12. 18 ธ.ค.

    Over 95% of the US population lives in a state where some form of marijuana is legal. This isn't a fluke, the American people have spoken and this is happening. My amendment to the First Step Act has been blocked, but I will not give up this fight.

  13. ได้รีทวีต
    18 ธ.ค.

    . (R-CO) has introduced an amendment to the criminal justice reform bill that would protect a state’s right to legalize marijuana and determine how it’s regulated within its borders.

  14. 18 ธ.ค.

    Congratulations to on her appointment to the US Senate today, your service to this country is a clear indication of how you will serve the state of Arizona.

  15. ได้รีทวีต
    17 ธ.ค.

    We support 's planned addition of the as an amendment to criminal justice reform. This is a vital first step toward legal protection & access to medical cannabis for the 9M vets who rely on the Admin.

  16. 17 ธ.ค.

    The people are speaking. The states are leading. It’s time for Congress to act to protect states’ rights. I call on my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to take up and pass this important amendment today.

  17. 17 ธ.ค.

    47 states now allow some form of legalized cannabis. This year Oklahoma, Utah, and Missouri changed their laws to join 30 other states that allow medical marijuana. Recent polls show around 65% of the country support legalization and 93% support medical marijuana.

  18. 17 ธ.ค.

    While we are debating criminal justice reform, we need to address the threat of prosecution by the federal government for people in Colorado that are operating legal businesses under state law - and it’s not just Colorado.

  19. 17 ธ.ค.

    I introduced an amendment to the First Step Act today that would ensure each state has the right to determine for itself the best approach to marijuana within its borders.

  20. 13 ธ.ค.

    Happy 382nd Birthday to the today! Thank you for centuries of bravery and service to our country.



ทวิตเตอร์อาจรองรับปริมาณผู้เข้าใช้ไม่ไหวหรืออาจมีอาการสะดุดนิดหน่อย ลองใหม่อีกครั้ง หรือลองดูที่ สถานะของทวิตเตอร์ สําหรับข้อมูลเพิ่มเติม

