Rep. Glenn GrothmanTài khoản được xác nhận


U.S. Congressman (WI-06)

Washington, D.C.
Đã tham gia tháng 1 năm 2015

Phương tiện

  1. The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth. --John 1:14. !

  2. My D.C. and Fond du Lac offices wish you a very ! We hope you have a wonderful holiday season with family and loved ones.

  3. Today we say goodbye to room 1217. If you plan to visit my Washington office next year, please note that we have moved to 1427.

  4. I had a great time touring and speaking with the residents of Felician Village in about ways Congress can lower health care costs, while protecting Medicare and Social Security.

  5. It was a picturesque Wisconsin day at B&B Metals in , where this local business showed me how they recycle metal scraps.

  6. Today is the 227th anniversary of the Bill of Rights. We are so lucky that our founding fathers had the brilliance, courage and foresight to craft a constitution that would protect the people from government, not the other way around.

  7. I was able to talk during a recent interview!

  8. It was too nice of a day today to stay inside!

  9. I questioned officials about backdoor spending during a hearing this week Read more about the hearing here:

  10. Merry Christmas to the brave men and women keeping our country safe overseas! And thanks to for getting these letters to our troops.

  11. Worker earnings growth is at 3.2%, the highest level since 2010, and is far outpacing inflation.

  12. Chag Sameach! Tonight is the last night of Hannukuah and I hope that everyone who celebrated had a joyous holiday!

  13. Please remember the American Patriots who lost their lives in on this day in 1941.

  14. I enjoyed speaking at the annual legislative update about the ways I am working in Congress to scale back regulations, lower health care costs and increase economic opportunities for future generations.

  15. Today, I attended the funeral of President George H.W. Bush. “41” was a great husband, father and public servant. My heartfelt condolences go out to his family.

  16. Congratulations to Alec Vogt of for earning the rank of Eagle Scout. This is a great achievement and a day you’ll never forget.

  17. I met with and to discuss American preparedness to thwart pandemics and biological threats.

  18. I had a great meeting with about ways the industry can help protect seniors rights and keep more money in their pockets.

  19. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! This Thanksgiving, I want to extend my sincere thanks and appreciation for all that you do in our communities and throughout Wisconsin. May God bless you and your family on this wonderful & delicious holiday!

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