
@SenJohnKennedy 님을 차단했습니다

정말로 이 트윗을 보시겠어요? 트윗을 봐도 @SenJohnKennedy 님의 차단을 해제하지 않습니다

  1. 12월 29일

    This is great news for Louisiana families! I have been urging the White House and FEMA to fix this.

  2. 12월 28일

    Every senator should spend a week substitute teaching. They might learn a thing or two from the students. This bright group of students asked me some great questions and gave me some ideas to take back to Washington.

  3. 12월 27일

    Last week my colleagues and I sent a letter to the SEC Chairman, FDIC Chairman & SIPC President expressing our concerns about Robinhood, a financial services company. We want answers on whether Robinhood mislead its customers.

  4. 12월 25일

    Merry Christmas from my family to yours! I hope everyone has a happy and blessed Christmas.

  5. 12월 24일

    Santa Paws is coming to town!

  6. 12월 23일

    Louisiana lost 11,000 people between July 2017 and July 2018. Thank you, Gov. Edwards. If we keep losing people, the average age in our state is going to be deceased.

  7. 12월 23일

    Thinking of our troops this Christmas. May God bless you and keep you safe.

  8. 12월 22일

    The Tax Cuts & Jobs Act is one year old. In the last year, the U.S. economy has added 2.1 million jobs & unemployment is down to 3.7 %, a 49-year low. Wages have increased 3.1%, families are keeping more of their paychecks & businesses are growing.

  9. 12월 22일

    The House passed my 5 month extension of the National Flood Insurance Program! There will be no lapses in coverage.

  10. 12월 20일

    PASSED: The House just passed my bill, the JACK Act. Named for lobbyist Jack Abramoff, who was convicted of tax fraud & bribery, this bill requires lobbyists to disclose convictions of bribery, extortion, embezzlement, illegal kickbacks, tax evasion & money laundering.

  11. 12월 20일

    Thank you, , for helping people realize the dignity of work. This is a positive step toward lifting people out of poverty.

  12. 12월 19일

    Border walls work. That’s a demonstrable fact. I think we missed an opportunity to get the funding for the wall. We passed the criminal justice reform bill last night, and I wish we would have tried to get something in return like the border wall.

  13. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    12월 19일

    WATCH: got reaction from after the release of a report that gave tech giants more access to users' data than it previously disclosed

  14. 12월 18일

    If you want to debate on the Senate floor our sentencing provisions and whether they are just, I will pounce on it like a ninja. I will be here all day and all night. But I’m not going to pass the buck to the bureaucracy and trust them to do our job.

  15. 12월 18일

    Happy Birthday, Kristen! I’m a fan of your gift (and the quote). I might have to get one for myself.

  16. 12월 17일

    Thanks to "criminal justice" reform in Louisiana, people are getting hurt & killed. The Prince family will never be the same due to the recklessness of a drunk driver who killed their son. Their son's killer was released early from prison. How is that justice?

  17. 12월 15일

    You’re never too old to do something new. This 83-year-old veteran just graduated with his doctorate in social work from LSU! Congratulations, Dr. Johnnie Jones, on completing your degree; your hard work has paid off.

  18. 12월 15일

    The CBO estimates that the will increase the federal deficit by 100s of millions of dollars. We shouldn’t fast-track this legislation. We need to take more time to review the ramifications.

  19. 12월 15일

    Louisiana gave Dewayne Watkins a second chance. He repaid his community by killing two people.

  20. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    12월 14일

    The Cotton-Kennedy amendment will exclude all sex offenders and violent felons from the time credits.

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