Thomas MassieПотвърден профил


U.S. Representative for Kentucky's 4th District, Chairman 2nd Amendment Caucus, MIT '93 SB, '96 SM

Регистриран през ноември 2012 г.


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  1. Закачен туит
    24.12.2018 г.

    Why do so many Congressman go along to get along in DC? Turn up the volume and listen to grown adults, each paid $174,000/year, boo and groan when they are called to push little buttons and record their votes. Peer-pressure causes many votes to go unrecorded.

  2. преди 4 часа

    Here’s a list of the new models. (Representatives and Senators) Please encourage yours to stop by my office or find me on the floor!

  3. преди 4 часа

    I hope they see that even when we disagree, my votes are based on principle and a desire to do right by my constituents. And in a town where the truth is hard to find, I think they will realize their staff can rely on my staff for accurate information about what’s in the bills.

  4. преди 4 часа

    Happy New Year! In <48 hours, 435 members of Congress will be sworn in. There are over 90 freshman this year. My resolution is to get to know as many as possible. We deal with an unlimited topics and I’ve found I can always find some areas of agreement with every member.

  5. 31.12.2018 г.
  6. 31.12.2018 г.

    The MIC, the permanent government in Washington, neocon chickenhawks, and the fake left all genuinely want Empire and perpetual war. It’s not the process they object to, it’s peace they reject. Then there are those with TDS. If the President is for anything, they’re against it.

  7. ретуитна
    31.12.2018 г.

    .....Except the results are FAR BETTER than I ever said they were going to be! I campaigned against the NEVER ENDING WARS, remember!

  8. ретуитна
    31.12.2018 г.

    ...I campaigned on getting out of Syria and other places. Now when I start getting out the Fake News Media, or some failed Generals who were unable to do the job before I arrived, like to complain about me & my tactics, which are working. Just doing what I said I was going to do!

  9. ретуитна
    30.12.2018 г.

    . estimates that interest payments alone will be more than all national defense spending in 2023. It gets worse and worse. 

  10. 30.12.2018 г.
  11. ретуитна
    25.12.2018 г.
    В отговор до

    I love Jimmy Duncan. I hope the Congress gives him a proper sendoff - the last remaining Republican to vote against the Iraq War.

  12. 29.12.2018 г.
  13. 29.12.2018 г.
  14. ретуитна
    27.12.2018 г.

    I’ve long said there needs to be a revolution in Congress. Last week, helped spark one; he demanded a recorded vote on every bill (and I filled in for him as needed). This is how the House should work—with representatives recording their votes for all to see.

  15. 27.12.2018 г.

    Have we forgotten how to Congress?! When the House passes a bill and the Senate passes a different bill on the same topic, the two chambers form a conference committtee that negotiates a compromise bill which then goes back to both chambers for an up or down vote, no amendments.

  16. 27.12.2018 г.

    I know the fine folks who run this FB page and they’ve been instrumental in the legalization of hemp. This is sad. I wonder what FB’s motives were?

  17. 27.12.2018 г.

    I’ll just leave this right here with my hashtag...

  18. ретуитна
    26.12.2018 г.

    This week I wrote a column about the increasing, all-consuming fakeness of the internet

    Показване на тази нишка
  19. ретуитна
    24.12.2018 г.

    A few years ago, I met a young Marine at Bethesda Naval Hospital. Half his head had been blown away by an IED. Important politicians and handsome talking heads debate 's decision on TV but keep in mind who really pays the price for their policies.

  20. ретуитна
    24.12.2018 г.
    В отговор до

    Hi guys. I see we’ve moved on to the Fed now.


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