Rep. Diana DeGetteחשבון מאומת


Member of Congress, Colorado's 1st Congressional District. Chief Deputy Whip & member of Energy and Commerce Committee.

Denver, CO
כאן מאז אפריל 2009


  1. 22 בדצמ׳

    So , since you’re taking responsibility for this , what do you have to say to the 800,000 federal employees who aren’t being paid during the holidays?

  2. 22 בדצמ׳

    As we get closer and closer to a , don’t forget who is responsible for it — and who has the power to prevent it before Americans are harmed.

  3. 21 בדצמ׳

    It's shameful that is willing to shut down the gov't and furlough more than 800K employees during the holidays just to get his senseless and xenophobic border wall -- which I totally oppose. He must work with Dems to keep the gov't open and secure our borders efficiently.

  4. 20 בדצמ׳

    Pleased the House overwhelmingly passed my bipartisan bill, H.R.7328, that streamlines how approves over-the-counter drugs. The antiquated framework now in place stalls innovation and harms public health. Today I spoke in favor of this update, which protect consumers.

  5. 18 בדצמ׳

    I led my colleagues in sending a letter to strongly condemning 's proposed rule to weaken standards that curb emissions. In the fight against , we must , and we can't afford this dangerous rollback.

  6. 14 בדצמ׳

    My colleagues and I sent a letter to demanding he heed the warnings presented in the National Climate Assessment and commit to stopping . Our nation has a moral responsibility to lead the world in this effort, and we won't tolerate inaction.

  7. 14 בדצמ׳

    Important deadline: Tomorrow, December 15, is the last day to sign up for a health plan that begins on January 1. Don't miss your chance to start the year off with quality and affordable coverage. Visit to easily shop for plans.

  8. 13 בדצמ׳

    Here’s my statement on 's shameless and embarrassing hearing today that sought to discredit life-saving fetal tissue research. We won't put up with these anti-choice sideshows in the next Congress. Sound science must lead the way.

  9. 13 בדצמ׳

    Two years after 21st Century Cures was signed into law, I am amazed by the progress it has made in fighting diseases and improving public health. This bipartisan effort is saving lives, and we must work toward similar reforms in the new Congress.

  10. 13 בדצמ׳

    Tomorrow marks one year since repealed . Over the past year, millions of Americans have voiced their support for restoring rules, and I'll continue fighting for the free and open internet.

  11. 12 בדצמ׳

    In the three years since the was adopted, has sold America's leadership on fighting to the highest bidder, pulling us out of the initiative and gutting environmental safeguards. Still, we'll keep fighting for a cleaner future.

  12. 12 בדצמ׳

    Today, held a hearing on access to SAFE kits, which help survivors of rape and sexual assault get the care they need & preserve evidence for law enforcement. We need to ensure more people receive these exams, & we must renew , which can help achieve this goal.

  13. 11 בדצמ׳

    By helping to bring biosimilar to market, has taken a huge step to achieve relief for people with . Through my investigation into rising costs, I called for this action and commend for his follow through.

  14. 11 בדצמ׳

    Today the House unanimously passed H.R. 1318, my bipartisan bill with that tackles the troubling rise of maternal mortality in the United States. Thanks to my House colleagues for recognizing the need for action on this public health crisis. Let's make it law.

  15. 10 בדצמ׳

    I joined my fellow congressional Democrats from Colorado in sending a letter to opposing proposed changes to the rule. If adopted, it would shut the door to the American dream for families across Colorado and around the world.

  16. 6 בדצמ׳

    Coloradans have spoken loud and clear: must be restored to ensure an equal playing field online. We must keep pushing for 218 signatures on the discharge petition to force a vote in the House on reinstating these protections by the end of the year!

  17. 6 בדצמ׳

    This terrifying chart reveals an even scarier truth -- we're moving in the wrong direction in the fight to stop the devastating effects of . As global citizens, we must reduce carbon emissions together or collectively suffer the consequences.

    הצג שרשור זה
  18. 4 בדצמ׳

    The has helped ensure the right to health care for millions of Americans. This season, you and your family can also by signing up for quality coverage through this landmark law. Visit between now and Jan 15 to find a plan.

  19. 3 בדצמ׳

    The has been instrumental in preserving our public lands, but its future is in jeopardy since its funding lapsed in October. Congress must reauthorize this program before the end of the year to ensure continued protection and enhancement of these important spaces.

  20. 1 בדצמ׳

    We've made a lot of progress in the global effort to , but we're not there yet. On , let's recommit to this fight by continuing to support programs such as PEPFAR while also working to reduce stigma. Find an HIV testing site near you:

מסתבר כי הטעינה לוקחת זמן־מה.

ייתכן שיש עומס או תקלה זמנית בטוויטר. נסה שוב או בקר בדף המצב של טוויטר לקבלת מידע נוסף.

    ייתכן שגם ימצא חן בעיניך
