Brian Babin인증된 계정


Honored to serve citizens of in U.S. Congress. Chairman of Space Subcommittee and Member of House Committee.

가입일: 2014년 12월


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  1. 6시간 전

    This is why I’m fighting to secure our border. I was sent to Washington to promote & secure the personal & economic security of our citizens. We must build the wall! Dems, end the shutdown, fund the gvnmt, & put the safety of our citizens & lawmen first!

  2. 12월 21일

    Yesterday I moved out of my Cannon Bldg office, occupied by future President Gerald Ford 1948-1955. I proudly displayed photos courtesy of the which I've passed on to the new occupant, . My new office is in Room 2236 of the Rayburn Bldg. Come visit us!

  3. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    12월 21일

    Secretary Wilkie: VA not affected in the event of partial government shutdown

  4. 12월 21일

    The American ppl are losing a very smart, tough & patriotic public servant in Sec. of Defense Gen. James “Mad Dog” Mattis. His departure will leave a big void & we will miss his leadership, experience & knowledge. Our enemies feared & respected him & our friends appreciated him.

  5. 12월 21일

    I'm glad my House colleagues came together tonight to provide over $5B to fund the wall and secure additional border security measures. I spoke on the floor late last night urging the House to listen to the American people and take action. Senate, it's now your turn to act!

  6. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    12월 21일

    House just passed a bill that fully funds government and enables to secure our border/build the wall. Senate can do same by eliminating the filibuster. 51 votes, same as we do for judges!

  7. 12월 20일

    I’m proud of for drawing a line and insisting that we fulfill the promise we made to the American people in 2016 to build the wall and finally get serious about illegal immigration. On behalf of the Texans I represent, I will not vote for a bill that doesn’t fund the wall.

  8. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    12월 19일

    endorses .'s Threat Assessment, Prevention, and Safety Act () which is designed to enhance the United States' ability to prevent targeted violence before it can occur. Click to read:

  9. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    12월 12일

    At HQ, offered space agency congratulations for landing the InSight spacecraft on Mars. Reaffirms it's a new era of American leadership in space. Promises US will finish Orion space capsule. Declares "this year was a year to build, next year will be a year to fly."

  10. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    12월 13일

    We have one final chance to live up to the promise that we made to the parents, small business owners, blue collar workers, farmers, teachers, and ordinary people who helped us gain control in the first place. Simply put, it’s time to . More→

  11. 12월 13일

    Democrat priorities are not aligned with the American people. Our citizens desire and deserve secure borders!

  12. 12월 12일

    Today's 5-year farm bill gives TX farmers the certainty necessary both for their livelihood & to secure a dependable American supply of food, fiber & feed. But Congress missed the best opportunity in decades for significant reforms. My full statement-->

  13. 12월 11일

    What if a bipartisan solution existed to stop mass targeted violence before it struck? The TAPS Act will standardize nationwide a Secret Service-developed process to identify, assess, & mitigate threats called Threat Assessment and Management. Congress, let's act to end violence!

  14. 12월 11일

    I applaud EPA’s decision to repeal Obama's Waters of the US rule. This pure power grab vastly expanded federal regulatory authority by qualifying almost every puddle of water in the country, even seasonal ponds and ditches, as “navigable waters”. New rule will honor law's intent!

  15. 12월 6일

    Great discussion Tuesday with my friend, NASA Administrator . I later into'd him at , where @RepRohrabacher & I met astronaut Mark Vande Hei and spoke with employees about the exciting work being done to advance America’s leadership in space.

  16. 12월 3일

    Rest in peace, Mr. President. Our nation is stronger because of your service.

  17. 11월 29일

    Economic migrants from Central America are abusing U.S. humanitarian laws, including our asylum policy. We must improve our humanitarian and immigration laws to truly aid those we can while keeping the interests of American citizens paramount.

  18. 11월 29일

    Last week, America celebrated National Bible Week. God’s word means everything to me. It's shaped my life, and has helped me serve the people of TX-36. I feel privileged I could speak on the House floor yesterday about how much the Bible means to me.

  19. 님이 리트윗했습니다
    11월 27일
  20. 11월 26일

    Congrats to the Team for successfully completing the incredible challenge of landing on Mars! After traveling 300M miles over the past six and a half months, this robotic lander will explore Mars’ crust, mantle and core. Outstanding job!


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