Ileana Ros-LehtinenOvjeren akaunt


Blessed to rep beautiful South Florida and the wonderful folks who live here!

Miami, Florida
Vrijeme pridruživanja: travanj 2008.
Rođen/a 15. srpnja


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  1. Mil gracias to you, the constituents, who gave me such an honor for so many years. Constituent services has been our hallmark. I hope that we helped get your lost Social Security check, find a public housing unit, get your service medals, aided you in becoming a US citizen...

  2. Wishing those who celebrate a happy and prosperous . May the principles that the 7 candles represent bring love, happiness, and peace always!

  3. Thank you, & . I’m proud to have been the first woman elected to . It has been such a humbling privilege to have served in this institution & to have helped so many South Florida constituents. Now: on to the next chapter!

  4. Poništi
  5. Our daughter-in-law is giving birth to her FIFTH child tomorrow and this Wall Street Journal ⁦⁩ said it all for her: Yes, We Really Do Want to Have A Fifth Child. She agrees with every word. We are all looking forward to seeing Dakota Rose Lehtinen! A blessing.

  6. 25. pro

    Such a Merry Christmas with los nietos! Hope that you have a blessed día!

  7. 25. pro

    The Lehtinen family is wishing our cmnty a very merry Christmas. May you have a warm and loving day with friends & family.

  8. 24. pro

    Con mis amigos de haircuterry en ! Algunas son Nicaragüenses y están muy contentas por la aprobación de mi Act!

  9. 24. pro

    Los Lehtinens le deseamos a nuestra comunidad del Sur de la una feliz !

  10. 23. pro

    Gracias, . Aplaudo a mis colegas en la Camara y Senado por aprobar mi ley y a por firmar. Es hora de responsabilizar a los criminales de y su regimen y presionarlos a salir del poder. El pueblo de merece democracia.

  11. 23. pro

    Spoke with about my public service career serving our cmty, from the Florida Legislature to , where I've had the opportunity to champion legislation on education, equality, & freedom. Tune in on at 4pm to watch the full hour special on

  12. 23. pro

    And behold, our final product: a beautiful Christmas tree, as decorated by Caroline and Killian!

  13. 23. pro

    La represalia de los contra y muchos otros periodistas es otro atropello mas al derecho basico de expresion. EEUU y aliados deben exigir libertad d estas personas y usar medidas fuertes para responsabilizar al regimen de estas atrocidades

  14. 23. pro

    PapaDex, with Caroline and Killian, about to decorate our Charlie Brown Christmas tree!

  15. 23. pro

    Rooted for our Panthers as they beat the at . As a two time grad of , the Lehtinens had our to bring home the win! Congrats Panthers!

  16. 23. pro

    Little Baby Javi is in the 305 for Christmas! Hanging with his cousins, Caroline and Killian! A new cousin, Dakota Rose Lehtinen, arrives next Friday!

  17. 23. pro

    Gracias, . Aplaudo a mis colegas en la Camara y Senado por aprobar mi ley y a por firmar. Es hora de responsabilizar a los criminales de y su regimen y presionarlos a salir del poder. El pueblo de merece democracia

  18. 22. pro

    You are the one who is to be commended, mi amigo , for relentlessly and continually shaming the for its egregious record of excusing dictators. You stand up for freedom, the rule of law and respect for human rights. Gracias, my hero.

  19. 22. pro

    Had a wonderful Dome tour with my staffers, and we were so lucky to do so on such beautiful day in . Thank you, Nick, for this unique experience + Kristie, for the great photos!

  20. 22. pro

    Condeno los incesantes abusos de y su policía nacional en contra d medios independientes en q exponen la verdadera cara d represión del régimen. Gracias por mantenernos informados ante los acontecimientos repudiables d este dictador


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