Jim CooperOverený účet


Official feed of U.S. Rep. Jim Cooper. Blue Dog Democrat representing Nashville area in Congress. Married with 3 great kids. Tweets by Jim & staff.

Nashville, Tennessee
Na Twitteri od: marec 2009


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  1. 22. 12.

    President Trump said he would be “proud” to shut down the government if he didn't get what he wanted from a Republican-led Congress. He then made a deal that he has now abandoned. This chaos does not make America great; it puts our nation in danger.

  2. 20. 12.

    He always puts the safety of Americans and our military first. Sadly, the President has pushed him aside because they disagree on Syria. I worry the White House meeting rooms will soon be vacant of adults.

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  3. 20. 12.

    General Mattis is an outstanding General, SecDef, and hero who had enough respect for our country to continue serving, even under difficult circumstances.

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  4. 20. 12.

    The fact that Putin is supportive of this decision should be an indication that it is an alarming idea.

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  5. 20. 12.

    Revealing our military strategy to everyone in the world, including our enemies, is an avoidable error Trump himself has mocked in the past.

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  6. 20. 12.

    We also should not abandon our Kurdish allies who have been working tirelessly beside us in the fight against ISIS.

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  7. 20. 12.

    President Trump’s decision to withdraw American troops from Syria is impulsive and irresponsible. National security experts believe ISIS is still a threat, and the removal of our troops will create a power vacuum in the Middle East.

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  8. 19. 12.

    I hope and pray Gov. Haslam will commute Cyntoia Brown’s sentence.

  9. 19. 12.

    I have been a supporter of taking politics out of the redistricting process for many years. Voters ought to be able to choose their elected officials – not the other way around.

  10. 18. 12.
  11. 15. 12.

    Today is the LAST day to sign up for 2019 health care through the Marketplace. Visit to sign up or to renew your plan.

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  12. 15. 12.

    Tonight’s ruling creates confusion, puts affordable health insurance at risk, and targets Americans with pre-existing conditions. The Supreme Court already upheld the law’s constitutionality — twice. Sign up tonight for 2019 coverage at .

  13. 14. 12.

    Six years ago today, 26 families lost a loved one in the massacre. Every life lost to gun violence is a tragedy. It's time for Congress to finally act and pass sensible measures to reduce gun violence.

  14. Retweetol používateľ
    14. 12.

    As Blue Dogs, we're ready to hit the ground running with a positive agenda to help strengthen the middle class & enhance our national security. Most importantly, we're ready to be the voice of commonsense & thoughtful leadership the American people want.

  15. 14. 12.

    It’s not too late to sign up or renew your health care plan through the Marketplace, but tomorrow (Dec. 15) is the deadline so don’t wait. Learn more about your options at .

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  16. 13. 12.

    Don’t procrastinate! with affordable health insurance before it’s too late. Middle Tennesseans only have THREE more days to visit to sign up or renew their plans for 2019

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  17. 12. 12.

    FOUR days to sign up or renew your plan! Get affordable health care before the December 15 deadline. in 2019 at .

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  18. 11. 12.

    . and don’t often agree, but I’m happy to see they’re on the same page here. Tennessee needs voter-verifiable paper audit trails statewide. It’s long past time to protect our vote and secure our elections.

  19. 11. 12.

    The deadline to sign up for 2019 health coverage through the Marketplace is this Saturday, Dec. 15. That means you only have FIVE more days to sign up or to renew your plan. Visit , check out your options, and today.

    Zobraziť toto vlákno
  20. 10. 12.

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